
A local financial regulatory sub-bureau was established!


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On August 20, the Xiongan New Area Regulatory Branch of the State Financial Supervision and Administration was established.Yu Guoyi, member of the Party Working Committee and deputy director of the Management Committee of Xiongan New Area, and Wang Wengang, secretary of the Party Committee and director of the Hebei Financial Regulatory Bureau, attended the event and delivered speeches. About 60 people from the Xiongan New Area Management Committee, Hebei Financial Regulatory Bureau, Xiongan New Area Financial Regulatory Branch and other units participated in the event.

On August 20, the Xiongan New Area Financial Regulatory Bureau was inaugurated. On the left is Yu Guoyi, member of the Xiongan New Area Party Working Committee and deputy director of the Management Committee; on the right is Wang Wen, secretary of the Party Committee and director of the Hebei Financial Regulatory Bureau.Gang. Photo by Wang Yao

Yu Guoyi said that the official establishment of the Xiongan New Area Financial Regulatory Bureau is of great significance for improving the new area's financial institution system and financial regulatory capabilities, promoting the new area to undertake Beijing's non-capital functions and financial reform and innovation. This will inject new vitality into the new area's financial market and provide solid financial support for the new area's development.

Yu Guoyi hopes that the Financial Supervision Bureau of Xiongan New Area will earnestly implement the spirit of the Central Financial Work Conference, firmly grasp the key to serving the relocation of non-capital functions in Beijing, continuously strengthen financial supervision, and do a good job in providing financial service guarantees for various relocation tasks. Closely combined with the development needs of the new area, through financial and regulatory innovations, provide more accurate and efficient financial support for the real economy, and promote the construction of Xiongan into an innovation highland and entrepreneurial hotbed in the new era.

Wang Wengang said that over the past seven years, the Hebei Financial Regulatory Bureau has fully implemented the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, and resolutely served as the "frontline headquarters" of the Financial Regulatory Bureau to promote financial support for the construction of Xiongan New Area and serve the coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, and provided strong support and solid guarantee for the construction of Xiongan New Area in terms of building a policy system, gathering financial institutions, strengthening capital supply, and optimizing the financial ecology. The formal establishment of the Xiongan New Area Financial Regulatory Bureau is of great significance for supporting the high-standard and high-quality construction of Xiongan New Area and maintaining the financial security and stability of Xiongan New Area. The financial regulatory cause of Xiongan New Area has opened a new chapter and embarked on a new journey.

Wang Wengang said that the Xiongan New Area Financial Supervision BureauFirst, we must comprehensively strengthen the Party’s leadership, continue to strengthen the construction of political organs, and persist in using the Party’s innovative theories to unite hearts and build souls.Second, we must earnestly perform our supervisory duties, focus on main responsibilities and businesses, continuously improve the quality and efficiency of financial services, and fully protect the legitimate rights and interests of financial consumers.Third, we must quickly improve our capabilities and skills, ensuring that all regulatory tasks can be taken over and managed well.Fourth, we must vigorously promote the construction of work style, and persist in strengthening the building of party conduct and clean government with a spirit of reform and strict standards.

Reporter Li Bin

Intern Editor Wang Xueying

Edited by Wang Mengying
