
Just because of being suppressed by his boss, the employee stole the code overnight to make a skin-changing mobile game, and ended up making 150 million yuan


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Hello everyone, this is Zhengjing Game, I am Zhengjing who loves to eat melons.

Speaking of the "insiders" in the gaming industry, I believe everyone is familiar with them. Undisclosed forward-looking intelligence and abandoned project plans are usually leaked through internal channels from their mouths.

Game companies have both love and hate for these insiders who claim that their uncles work on the project. On the one hand, they hope to use them to make players look forward to some unreleased game projects, and on the other hand, they are worried that they will say something they shouldn't say and cause a lot of unnecessary public opinion trouble.

The fact that my uncle is working inside the project is enough to make the manufacturers live in fear, so if there is an "insider" lurking in the game project team, how much damage will it cause?

Today, I will share with you some weird game news that were created by insiders.

Just because of being suppressed by the boss, the employee stole the code overnight to make a skin-changing mobile game

For game developers, the most regrettable thing is that they have worked hard for half a year on a project, but it fails to pass the internal assessment and is stillborn. The more regrettable thing is that the project is completed and passes the internal assessment, but it does not receive the attention of the superiors, and there is no follow-up of subsequent R&D resources, so they can only watch the game die.

For Xiao Lai, Xiao Wang and Lao Wang, the main creative members of "Military Advisors", they have experienced the pain of being maliciously suppressed by their superiors when submitting plans to upgrade the game.

Since you won't let me do it, then I'll go out and do it on my own!

Unlike most game developers who endure everything silently, Xiao Lai, Xiao Wang and Lao Wang jointly submitted a letter of resignation after being suppressed by their superiors. Then they turned around and used the game code they had written for "Military Advisors: Please Set Up the Formation" to create a Plus upgraded version of the mobile game "Little Empty City Strategy".

I'm not afraid of my former employees living a good life, I'm just afraid that they drive a Land Rover.

What surprised the boss of "Military Advisors" was that such a game with no big reputation, no big features and no big publicity, "Little Empty City Scheme" actually became a hit after its release, and earned 150 million yuan in the mobile game market in half a year, and almost staged a famous scene where the fake Li Kui beat the real Li Kui to the ground.

Although the boss suppressed the employee and accidentally missed the business opportunity, the ownership of the code written by the employee at work still belongs to the company. It is definitely wrong to just take it and change its skin.

This incident ended with the company suing its former employees for stealing codes, and determining that Xiao Lai, Xiao Wang, and Lao Wang were suspected of illegally obtaining computer information system data and infringing on copyright, and criminal coercive measures were taken against them.

The insider quickly passed through the Paper Games building, and the Paper Games president was bullied in the middle of the night

In fact, when facing suppression from our superiors, we don’t have to steal the code. We can instead bully the boss of the company in the workplace.

Last year, Yao Runhao, president of Paper Games, posted a post with no beginning or end: "I was bullied in the workplace and I hate subordinates who have no sense of boundaries", which aroused the interest of many netizens.

Later, due to the enthusiastic gossip of the onlookers, the cause and effect of this matter were also exposed. It turned out that Mr. Yao had a female subordinate who sold tea eggs in the company every day and set an inspirational personality.

This sister watched her colleagues post all kinds of delicious and fun things on WeChat Moments all day long. One day, she became too sensitive and started posting short essays in the company's internal chat group, telling how difficult her life was.

Then, this short essay was read by Mr. Yao, and this sister thought she had won the favor of her boss, and she talked to others from 11 o'clock to 1 o'clock in the morning...

Maybe he had never seen such a scene before, Mr. Yao was completely confused at first. It was not until 2 a.m. that he came to his senses. He called HR that night to fire this glass-hearted girl.

Perhaps, you think that dragging the boss to chat about essays at 1 a.m. is outrageous enough, but the most amazing thing about this girl is that after learning that she was fired at 2 a.m., she took a taxi and sneaked into the Paper Games building, and while the security guard was not paying attention, she went online to the official account of "Shining Nikki" and started to act crazy.

Finally, according to insiders, this sister even beat up the security guard who came to stop her. It's true that a tough life never needs explanation.

The chairman tore out the traitor, and the company will no longer hire female employees from now on?

Not all company bosses are as easy to talk to as Yao Runhao, who would chat with employees for two hours and just laugh it off when an official account is used for private purposes.

Most of the old version are like Duoyi Network, who can't wait to hang up the traitors and beat them, especially when dealing with those traitors whose subordinates are suspected of corruption, they will send them to jail at all costs.

In addition, Duoyi Network used the unprecedented system of collective responsibility in the investigation of internal traitors. When their chairman Xu Bo found that the company's former CEO Tang Yilu embezzled hundreds of millions of yuan in advertising fees every year, he fired all the female employees in her public relations department, which also created a good story of "misogyny" in the game industry.

After this incident, rumors spread in the gaming circle that Duoyi Network did not recruit female employees. Although this matter has not been confirmed, it is true that their chairman Xu Bo used his public online account to act as an "anti-female fighter."

Tencent's second-hand ice machine undercover NetEase

The world is big and full of strange things. In addition to your own employees acting as traitors, sometimes the office supplies in your office may also be sent by your enemies to lurk.

Don’t believe it? Just look at the ice machine with the Tencent logo in the tea room on the fifth floor of NetEase.

This incident happened in NetEase Guangjian Park. Due to the upgrading of office supplies, NetEase commissioned Nestlé's first-level agent to transport a batch of ice machines to meet the needs of employees who wanted to drink iced American coffee.

Then, someone keenly discovered that not only was the ice machine labeled Tencent, but the Nestle coffee beans that came with it were also found to contain carcinogens "acrylamide and pesticides" 8 times higher than similar products in tests by the Hong Kong Consumer Council. This made people start to suspect that a competitor might have sent someone to poison the machine.

Later, NetEase also issued an announcement regarding the incident, stating that after preliminary verification, the ice machine mentioned in this incident was not produced or provided by Nestlé, but was done by a distributor.

As for whether this was caused by a competitor poisoning the system, we don’t know, and we don’t dare to ask. Anyway, the undercover operation was very successful.

Three people forged the Lao Gan Ma seal, causing Tencent to lose 16.42 million!

If the world deceives you, don't be sad and don't be anxious, because there may be bigger things to come!

In the magical gaming industry, insiders may come not only from within the game manufacturers, but also from a completely "fictional" joint venture company, such as a shell company set up by three scammers under the banner of Lao Gan Ma.

Yes, that’s right, this is the famous “Dou E Yuan” incident.

This matter is quite mysterious in today's gaming circle. Three scammers with forged Lao Gan Ma seal went to negotiate cooperation with "QQ Speed" and launched a co-branded hot sauce, game skins, gift packs and so on.

Then, the three scammers took the gift activation codes sent by Tencent and sold them on second-hand platforms, making a small profit. However, the official QQ Speed ​​advertised the Lao Gan Ma brand for half a year without knowing it, and spent 16.42 million yuan on advertising alone.

After the incident was exposed, it quickly attracted the attention of netizens. For a time, the image of the silly white goose that "can't do anything well but is the best at eating chili sauce" became the focus of everyone's ridicule, and the joke "逗鹅怨" was retained.

By the way, the insider who dared to cheat Tencent with a forged seal was finally punished accordingly and was sentenced to 12 years, 7 years, and 6 years in prison respectively.

I have something to say:Whether in crime movies or in real life, the fate of insiders is often not very good. They are either sent to the police station for questioning or they can no longer work in an industry. So, don't be fooled by the fact that these insiders are more skillful than each other. In fact, their fate is also more miserable than each other. Don't learn from them.

A shocking question: Do you know any other insiders in game companies?