
Spokesperson is here | What is "Long-term Care Insurance"? How to buy and use it? See here


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The five insurances of "pension insurance, medical insurance, work-related injury insurance, maternity insurance, and unemployment insurance" are very familiar to the general public, but have you heard of "long-term care insurance"? It is now called the "sixth insurance" of national social insurance. On August 20, the "Spokesperson is here" residents' living policy interpretation event was held at the Shengli Road Community Committee in Yuzhong District, Chongqing. Liu Xue, a second-level researcher at the Benefits Guarantee Department of the Chongqing Medical Security Bureau, introduced the long-term care insurance in detail to the citizens and netizens, and gave a detailed interpretation of the questions raised by the citizens on the spot, such as how to buy and use the long-term care insurance.
Chongqing Long-term Care Insurance has some changes this year
According to Liu Xue, the full name of "Long-term Care Insurance" is "Long-term Care Insurance". Chongqing Long-term Care Insurance started its pilot program in 2019. It currently mainly covers employees participating in medical insurance. About 8 million people in the city are insured, and a total of nearly 40,000 people have enjoyed benefits.
In March this year, Chongqing Municipal Medical Insurance Bureau and Municipal Finance Bureau jointly issued the "Notice on Further Promoting the Pilot Work of Long-term Care Insurance" for implementation. According to this policy, there are currently four major adjustments to long-term care insurance. First, in terms of the scope of benefits, previously only severely disabled people could enjoy it, but now moderately disabled people can also enjoy it; second, in terms of the way of enjoying benefits, the original "home personal care" in the nursing method was adjusted to "home combined care"; third, in terms of adjusting the settlement standards for benefits, there are mainly two aspects of adjustment, one is to add a settlement standard for moderately disabled people, and the other is to appropriately increase the settlement standard for severely disabled people; fourth, adjust the nursing service items, and optimize the original 5 categories and 24 items to 6 categories and 28 items.
Regarding long-term care insurance, Liu Xue called on citizens to pay more attention to it. He said: "With the trend of population aging, the phenomenon of one person's disability and the imbalance of the whole family will become more and more common. Here, I would like to call on everyone to pay more attention to the emerging social insurance type of 'long-term care insurance', pay more attention to the disabled friends and elderly around you, encourage and help them understand and make good use of the long-term care insurance policy, reduce the burden of family care, and solve the worries."
Citizens participating in the event
How to participate in “Long-term Care Insurance”? How to pay the premium?
Liu Xue's introduction immediately attracted the attention of citizens at the scene and netizens watching the live broadcast. A citizen at the scene asked him: "If we want to participate in long-term care insurance, how do we participate? How do we pay the premium?"
Liu Xue said that it is relatively simple to participate in long-term care insurance. Long-term care insurance in Chongqing is implemented under a lifelong payment system. When participating in their own employee medical insurance, the insured person has actually participated in long-term care insurance. Among citizens with fixed units, the payment is made by the unit and the individual at a ratio of 1:1, and the payment level is about 0.2% of the individual's medical insurance premium.
The second type is citizens without a fixed work unit. Whether they participate in employee medical insurance as individuals or have retired and do not have a fixed work unit, they can participate in long-term care insurance. The payment standard is calculated based on 0.2% of the average wage level of medical insurance employees in the city. The calculation in 2024 is 126/year/person, an average of about 10 yuan per month. Citizens can apply for long-term care insurance through various online and offline methods.
How to judge “moderate disability” and “severe disability”?
"You just mentioned that in order to use the benefits of long-term care insurance, you need to be severely disabled or moderately disabled. What is the range of moderate disability?" Citizens at the scene kept asking questions about long-term care insurance.
Liu Xue said that if you want to enjoy long-term care insurance, you must first undergo a disability assessment. The application conditions for the assessment are as follows: first, you have paid for employee medical insurance for 24 consecutive months (2 years); second, your disability has lasted for more than 6 months. "If you apply immediately after you become disabled, your disability is unstable, so it must last for more than 6 months," he said.
"As long as the application conditions are met, you can submit a disability assessment application to the medical insurance department or through the online APP 'Chongqing Medical Insurance'. After the disability assessment application is granted, the person concerned will choose a trusted assessment agency to conduct the assessment." As for the scale of the assessment? Liu Xue introduced that a national unified "Disability Level Assessment Standard" has been issued, which comprehensively scores and judges from three dimensions: a person's ability to take care of himself, such as whether he can eat, dress, and bathe independently; cognitive ability, such as whether he can recognize relatives and dates; and sensory ability, such as whether his hands and feet have sensations, etc., to judge whether it is severe or moderate.
Upstream News reporter He Yan and intern Xu Xin. Photo provided by the organizer