
Tea Waterfall was certified by CIC Consulting as the “No.1 Brand of Affordable Chinese Style Light Milk Tea”


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Recently, Tea Waterfall received the market position confirmation certificate of "No. 1 Brand of Affordable Chinese Style Light Milk Tea" awarded by the well-known authoritative consulting agency CIC!

Hou Xuchao (right), founding partner of CIC Consulting, presents the market position confirmation certificate to Zhou Shufeng (left), general manager of the Tea Waterfall Business Unit

Traditional Chinese style light milk tea becomes a popular trend

With young consumers' love for traditional culture and pursuit of a healthy lifestyle, Chinese-style light milk tea has quickly become a new favorite in the ready-made tea market with its unique oriental aesthetics and light taste. These teas usually combine traditional tea leaves with high-quality milk base, emphasizing the purity of tea fragrance and real milk, while incorporating Chinese elements into packaging and store design to create a consumer experience that blends classicism with modernity.

The popularity of Chinese-style light milk tea demonstrates the perfect combination of traditional culture and modern lifestyle. Tea brands have adopted high-quality teas, such as green tea and oolong tea, combined with light dairy products to create drinks that are both healthy and have traditional cultural characteristics. At the same time, Chinese elements such as calligraphy, Chinese painting, and traditional costumes are incorporated into packaging and store design, bringing consumers a dual enjoyment of vision and taste.

In the popularity of Chinese-style light milk tea, the integration of health concepts has become the key to brand differentiation. Consumers are paying more and more attention to the health attributes of food. Freshly brewed tea brands meet the needs of health-conscious consumers by reducing sugar and using real milk sources. This health-oriented product development not only enhances the health value of tea drinks, but also strengthens the emotional connection between brands and consumers.

The popularity of Guofeng light milk tea is also a reflection of China's cultural confidence. With the rise of Guochao culture, more and more consumers are willing to explore and try products with Chinese characteristics. Guofeng light milk tea, with its profound cultural heritage and modern aesthetics, has become one of the ways for young consumers to express their personality and cultural identity. Chinese ready-made tea brands continue to innovate and adjust their strategies to adapt to market changes and consumer expectations.

Affordability is another major trend in China's ready-made tea industry. With the intensification of market competition and consumers' emphasis on cost-effectiveness, more and more brands have begun to launch affordable products. These affordable teas are not only attractive in price, but also uncompromising in quality, ensuring that consumers can enjoy high-quality tea at a reasonable price. According to CIC, the ready-made tea shop market in China's third-tier and lower-tier cities is the largest and fastest-growing market segment from 2022 to 2027. The affordable strategy helps brands expand their consumer groups, especially in the sinking market and student groups, where affordable teas show strong market competitiveness.

Tea Waterfall: The No.1 Brand of Affordable Chinese Style Light Milk Tea

Tea Waterfall was launched in 2024 by Shanghai Auntie, one of the leading brands in the domestic tea beverage track. Shanghai Auntie is a leading and fast-growing ready-made beverage company that focuses on providing young consumers with new tea drinks that are safe, delicious, high-value, and high-quality and cost-effective. According to the Zhaimen Canyan data platform, as of August 2, 2024, Shanghai Auntie has opened more than 8,000 stores in more than 300 cities across the country. In 2024, Shanghai Auntie saw the opportunity of consumer stratification, especially the national style light milk tea track below 10 yuan, and launched a new brand "Tea Waterfall" with healthier products, more value-for-money prices, and more national style store styles, providing the sinking market and sinking users with healthier, more value-for-money, and more national trend beverage enjoyment.

Tea Waterfall focuses on new Chinese teas, focusing on affordable products. The average price of the products is less than 10 yuan, and the main products are priced between 2 and 12 yuan. For example, a series of light milk tea drinks such as Waterfall Mobai, Chunshan Xungui, and Kongshan Xinli are priced as low as 6.9 yuan. At the same time, Tea Waterfall also launched milk ice cream for 2 yuan and lemonade for 4 yuan to attract consumers. The entire line of Tea Waterfall drinks has achieved 0 non-dairy creamer, 0 trans fatty acids, and 0 hydrogenated vegetable oils, using real milk and original tea leaves with 0 creamer and 0 instant tea powder. While providing cost-effectiveness, it provides consumers with a more assured, safer, and healthier tea choice.

Waterfall Jasmine, Spring Mountain Searching for Osmanthus, Empty Mountain New Lychee, Bird's Nest Gardenia Spring

Tea Waterfall is increasingly recognized by consumers for its unique cultural heritage and affordable prices. In the future, the affordable Chinese style light milk tea brand Tea Waterfall will adhere to the concept of combining tradition with innovation, and is committed to providing high-quality light milk tea that not only meets the tastes of modern consumers but also contains traditional flavors, making quality tea drinks within reach.

CIC has long-term and rich research experience in China's ready-made tea industry. From July to August 2024, CIC conducted a special systematic study on China's ready-made tea industry. Based on a detailed investigation and in-depth analysis of the competitive landscape of the ready-made tea industry, the concept of Chinese style light milk tea products, the pricing of ready-made tea products, and the status of operating stores, CIC confirmed that Tea Waterfall will be the "No. 1 brand of affordable Chinese style light milk tea" in terms of the number of stores nationwide as of July 31, 2024.

CIC provides market position certification services to enterprises

CIC provides professional market position certification services for enterprises. Based on rich industry insights, reliable data support and comprehensive industry research, this service provides enterprises with third-party authoritative market position certification, consolidates the enterprise's industry position, establishes brand image endorsement, strengthens market trust, improves product recognition, and expands industry influence. (Picture provided by the enterprise)
