
His fame was not known outside his hometown. He lived his life as a commoner. His paintings of flowers and birds were innocent and vivid.


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Tao Bowu (1900-1996), also known as Baihu Sanren, Guoshun, Jianpuzhai, Baihu Sanren, etc., was a native of Pengze County, Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province.

Tao Bowu studied at Shanghai Changming Art College in his early years, and was taught by Huang Binhong. He later retired to his hometown and lived out his life as a commoner. He was not well-known during his lifetime, and his reputation was not known outside his hometown. It can be said to be "One Hundred Years of Solitude"!

His art pursues the beauty and ingenuity that are innocent, straightforward, naive, simple and natural, and that are in accordance with the will of nature, while retaining traditional norms and having modern consciousness.

When Mr. Tao paints, his mind is completely relaxed, allowing his paintings to crisscross and stretch freely. Sometimes they are like old pines with twisted wings, vigorous and mature, and sometimes they are like children singing and dancing, innocent and lively.

Fruits and Melons (1991)

A breeze blows from the south, and the fruits in the garden are ripe.

Pick fruits and sell them in the market, cut melons and make porridge.

Don't you envy the rich and luxurious life and be content to live in poverty?

Looking back at the hungry people, crying in front of the door day and night.

Titled Narcissus (1954)

The narcissus is solitary and its yellow flowers are thin, just as cold and out of season.

I blame my old friend for having too many things to do. What’s the point of sending me such sincere messages?

Chrysanthemum Painting (1963)

Two yellow chrysanthemums are content with loneliness, and a bunch of frosted leaves is also quiet and peaceful.

The lonely plateau belongs to my home, and the house is filled with autumn by the eastern fence.

Chrysanthemum Painting (1971)

There is no wine or poetry on Double Ninth Festival, just a broken clay pot and a sprig of chrysanthemum.

Such a prison dream is also good, when the wind and rain come at night.

Titled Cat Picture (1971)

One night of east wind, spring is about to end, the setting sun and the fragrant grass are afraid of the slight chill.

The foolish cat didn't know how to tell the difference between real and fake, and mistook the flower for a butterfly.

Spring (1971)

In the Jingu Garden, the flowers are bright red, and every branch smiles in the spring breeze.

People in the world compete to love the prosperity of the world, but they love the lonely old strong pines in the deep mountains.

Titled Chicken (1974)

Although its mouth is small, it makes a loud sound; although its feet are short, it runs fast.

Standing high on the stone, he feels relaxed and comfortable.

Title: Spring in the Garden

Last night's stars, last night's wind, the desolate platform is lonely and the Chu River is empty.

I also follow people's wishes for prosperity and jokingly write a bunch of deep red spring.

Titled Gourd Picture (1982)

The gourd is filled with confusion, and it is cut open to make a ladle to use as a wine jug.

There is nothing to do in the second and third months of spring, and I am just guarding my shabby hut in a daze.

Fish Fun (1986)

My son only knows himself, how can he know the joy of fish?

Since I am not a fish, how do I know that the fish knows me?

It’s laughable that the fish and I are both ignorant creatures.

Leisurely and leisurely, completely silent.

Farmhouse Flavor

Titled Narcissus and Peony (1992)

I moved some peonies as big as a plate, and bought some daffodils to accompany the stones.

Different colors are given by God, deep red and white have their own merits.

Title: Peaches and Grapes (1984)

Put the peaches in the basket and hang them on the chrysanthemum rack.

The grapes are sour and sweet, and the peaches are red and big.

After eating, I sat with the door closed, feeling as desolate as a traveler.

I am confused and confused again, and I am even more clumsy and despicable.

Titled "Loquat Painting" (1983)

I have a loquat tree, which I transplanted next to my house.

The leaves are as green as pine and cypress, and the fruits are golden when ripe.

Titled "Dragon Boat Festival" (1983)

It’s the Dragon Boat Festival again, with mandarin fish, rice dumplings and loquat.

The whole family drinks realgar wine and stops coveting the rich.

Title: Chrysanthemum and Stone

Two cold stones and a few lonely branches.

I still have no close friends, the frost is high and the moon is bright in autumn.

Eagle Stone Painting

At the end of the year, I can only rely on the stubborn strange rock, and feel sorry for myself as my feathers are being worn away day by day.

After going through so much hardship over the years, it's hard to find a true friend.

Three Wonders


There was a violent storm last night, and half of the lotus flowers in the pond have not yet bloomed.

I plucked a branch but dare not send it to you, as I am waiting for my old friend to send me new poems.

Titled Peony Painting (1993)

Last night’s stars, last night’s wind, the desolate platform is lonely and the Chu River is empty.

I also follow people's wishes for prosperity and jokingly write a bunch of deep red spring.

Bamboo Painting (1993)

There are tall bamboos in my hometown, growing around the house.

There is no scorching heat in June, and there is a clear sound of music.

After sixty years of absence, the house was destroyed and the bamboo died.

Looking back to the north, I am filled with melancholy.

Title of Orchid Painting (1990)

Orchids grow in deep valleys, and their fragrance fills the mountains.

Unfortunately, no one knows it except the shepherds and woodcutters.

Longevity Like a Stone (1990)

There is a stone in the South Mountain, which is weird and ugly in shape.

Place it on my desk to go with my wine and to prolong my life.

Chestnut and Persimmon (1990)

Chestnuts can alert the mind, and persimmons can clear the heart.

With the help of wine, I feel relaxed.

Suddenly feeling drowsy.

Title: Crab Picture (1990)

He is naturally domineering, so how can he harm the greater elegance?

The road is very rugged, but being able to do this is also fast.

Bamboo Painting (1990)

There are three or two bamboos planted in the garden; their shadows can often be seen swaying through the window under the moonlight.

Even though it is difficult to make a close friend, I am glad to have a cool breeze overnight.

Chrysanthemum Painting (1990)

I will not be controlled by the east wind, and I will be content with the dilapidated walls and ruined wells.

There is no one in Pengze anymore, who will pity my lonely figure?

Lonely shadow, lonely shadow,

It's late autumn and the moon is bright but the frost is cold.

Title: Two Ducks (1983)

There are pairs of ducks stepping on the green waves, and the waves are swaying and the wild grass is rustling.

Infatuated with love, they dream of being together forever, but they don't know that there are cruel things in the world.

Titled "Loquat and Bird" (1983)

Birds fly high in the sky, leisurely and happy.

He doesn't know how to plow or hoe, but he eats fresh fruits day and night.

Titled "Mandarin Ducks" (1983)

Swallows roost in pairs on willow branches, mandarin ducks embrace each other in the river pond.

I only know that love brings true joy, and I will never be sad about separation until old age.

Title: Iron Tree (1983)

The tree may be iron, but the man is not; the flower may be fragrant, but the pen is not.

We looked at each other in silence and spent the Double Ninth Festival in loneliness.

Titled Mandarin Fish (1983)

I don't read poetry or farm, but just go back and forth to the river with a fishing pole.
I caught two or three mandarin fish and had enough money to buy some wine in the remaining spring.

Lotus Painting (1986)

The ripples of half an acre are like water, and there are houses deep in the green willows.

Who can avoid being stained by the mud? Only the gentleman flower in the pond can stay away from the mud.

Bamboo Painting (1983)

Three green bamboos sway their shadows, and the few pieces I write about them are also elegant and wonderful.

The ink has dried up and the brush is worn out, and no one appreciates it, so I leave it for you to write bad poems.

Peony (1971)

Bamboo painting

Mr. Xiaoxiao loves to paint bamboos, and the bamboos also smile and emit a cool breeze.

The ink is splashed all over the place and there is no place to sell it, just a statue facing the bright moon.


A few cold fragrant flowers are content with loneliness, and a few wild branches are also quiet and peaceful.

The lonely plateau belongs to my home, and I write about the autumn in the house by the eastern fence.