
The wall collapse in the community was caused by the building next door? The community: The developer has been asked to stop construction


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On August 19, traces of collapse could still be seen near the site of the accident. Photo by reporter Wang Yinqi
On August 19, a cordon was set up at the scene of the incident.
Reporter Wang Yinqi reports from Changsha
Around 5pm on August 18, the wall of Xinxiang Jiayuan Community in Furong District, Changsha City collapsed. After the incident, many people including the owners, property management company, community staff and construction party rushed to the scene to deal with it. The owners suspected that the wall collapsed because of the construction of the new building next door: "Their new wall is next to our old wall, and it is higher than the old wall."
Mr. Luo, a community worker, said that the developer has been asked to stop construction. "We asked them to conduct relevant inspections, but now we can't control the condition of the wall."
The staff of the developer of the new building said that the site of the incident was within the red line of the developer's project, and maintenance and solutions would be provided in the near future. "We had communicated with many departments and residents before. Because the wall of the community is relatively old, we proposed to renovate the old wall at our expense, but the residents refused."
An old man took his great-grandson past, "I'm scared when I think about it now"
Grandma Xiao, who is over 70 years old, lives in Xinxiang Jiayuan Community in Furong District, Changsha City. On the afternoon of August 18, she took her great-grandson for a walk near Building 6 of the community. At around 17:00, the two were preparing to leave the community to go out for dinner. As soon as they walked from Building 6 to the gate of the community, they heard several noises behind them.
Grandma Xiao learned from her neighbors that the wall next to Building 6 had collapsed, and the place where she and her great-grandson had just passed by. "After hearing what the neighbors said, I immediately went back to check the situation and broke out in a cold sweat. Now I am scared when I think about it. If I had left later, something might have happened." Grandma Xiao said.
At 11 a.m. on August 19, the reporter arrived at the scene of the incident next to Building 6 of Xinxiang Jiayuan Community. At this time, the scene had been fenced off and a cordon had been set up. There were obvious signs of tiles falling off on the wall. A security guard from the property company said: "After the incident, the owners were very concerned about this. Representatives from the construction party also came, and many parties including the property company handled the scene together."
The owners suspected that the wall collapsed because of the construction of a new building next door: "They seem to have a project next to the old wall of our community, and it is higher than our old wall. We suspect it was caused by their construction."
The developer said it would hand over the cause of the collapse and the solution to the problem to the community.
On August 19, community staff said they sent people to the scene immediately after the incident. "We asked the construction party to eliminate the danger and stop work at the site first, and then asked them to conduct relevant tests. Because now we can't control the state of the wall and why it collapsed. So before the relevant test results are available, we asked the construction party not to start work."
A staff member of the developer of the new real estate project said that all construction content has been reported to the relevant departments. "The place where the incident occurred is not actually a wall, but a landscape. It's just that it hasn't been completed yet and looks like a wall. This place is also within our red line." The staff member said that after the incident, they contacted the community secretary as soon as possible and sent someone to the scene. "We have been in communication with the community, and we have also asked an authoritative organization to conduct identification and testing. The cause of the collapse and the plan will be submitted to the community in the near future." The staff member said that the problem of the wall has existed for a long time. "The wall of the community has a history of about 20 years. We made a suggestion at the time that we were willing to pay to renovate the old wall, but the owners did not agree. Previously, because of this matter (dealing with the reconstruction of the wall), we negotiated for nearly a year."
Source: Xiaoxiang Morning News
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