
Jiugong Town deepens the "Virtue and Longevity" cultural innovation and promotes the integration of excellent traditional Chinese culture into grassroots social governance


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Jiugong Town is located at the northernmost end of Daxing District, bordering Nanyuan Township of Fengtai District, Xiaohongmen Township of Chaoyang District and Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone. It is a typical urban-rural junction area. The town covers an area of ​​29.73 square kilometers (including 9.6 square kilometers of Nanjiao Farm), and has 19 administrative villages and 28 community committees. The total population of the town is nearly 200,000, including: 35,000 registered residents of the town, 75,000 transferred residents from the central urban area, and 72,000 floating population. Jiugong's history can be traced back to the ancient Yan State and the Western Zhou Dynasty more than 3,000 years ago, when its brilliant culture began. In the Liao and Jin Dynasties, it had become an important place for emperors to play and hunt. Later, it went through the foundation of the Yuan Dynasty, the expansion of the Ming Dynasty, the heyday of the mid-Qing Dynasty, and the decline of the late Qing Dynasty, and finally formed a unique royal garden culture. The town is rich in and unique in China's excellent traditional cultural resources. Among them, Deshou Temple is the place where Tibet has been inseparable from China since ancient times and a witness to the historical facts. In recent years, Jiugong Town has followed the working idea of ​​"party building leading, culture shaping the soul, and comprehensive integration", and actively explored and innovated to integrate the excellent traditional Chinese culture of "De Shou" into people's livelihood services, conflict mediation, family style and customs, cadre education, grassroots party building and other aspects, promoting the innovation and improvement of grassroots social governance capabilities and comprehensively improving them, effectively improving the accuracy, temperature, depth, intensity and height of grassroots social governance.
1. Integrate innovation into people's livelihood services and improve the accuracy of grassroots social governance
We have fully absorbed the essence of the people-oriented thought in Deshou culture, insisted on putting people at the center, established and improved a long-term mechanism for Party members and cadres to connect with and serve the people, and truly achieved "the people have a call, and I have a response." The satisfaction survey has been ranked first in the district for consecutive years.
1. Listen to the people.Innovatively launching the "Hede Hall" public opinion "5" come to listen action, Jiugong Town focuses on the theme of "I will listen to public opinion and help you with anything", and on the 5th, 15th and 25th of each month, members of the leadership team lead the team, and in principle arrange to go to the front line after get off work in the evening to listen to public opinion and solve people's worries, go to the community party and mass service center, streets and alleys, residents' homes, parks and squares, as well as WeChat, public accounts, Douyin videos and other "online + offline" activity venues and carrier platforms suitable for chatting, talking about family matters, and communicating, to communicate with the masses face to face and collect public opinion extensively.
2. Alleviate people’s difficulties.Firmly establish traditional cultural concepts such as "Respect the elderly as my own, and respect the young as my own", and focus on special groups such as "the old and the young". Jiugong Town has established a "quarter-minute convenient life circle" by building a variety of elderly care and meal assistance services such as "institution + meal assistance", "property + meal assistance", and "catering enterprises + meal assistance". Improve the construction of elderly care institutions and community elderly care stations in the jurisdiction, open new service formats such as elderly restaurants, online group purchases, and supermarkets for the elderly, implement open meal assistance services, and provide social elderly meal assistance services and delivery services while meeting the dining needs of the elderly in the institution. Innovatively provide the town's couriers with a staggered 10-yuan lunch and dinner service, so as to achieve full coverage of elderly meal assistance in the town and efficient use of resources. Implement the "neighborhood mutual assistance" public welfare project and solve the problems of empty-nest elderly and children in difficult situations. Create a series of brands such as "Five Virtues Youth" and "Derun Children's Heart Summer Colorful Classroom" in Jiugong Town, so that young people in difficult situations and children of migrant workers have someone to love, someone to protect them, someone to help them in difficulties, and someone to teach them.
3. Improve people’s livelihood.Taking the excellent traditional culture of Deshou as the root, a three-dimensional platform for the people with a closed loop of collection, interpretation, handling, resolution and return visits has been established. Jiugong Town has worked hard to solve the urgent problems of the people by benefiting the people's livelihood and warming their hearts. For example, the promotion of community services has been transformed from "single activities" to "project-based". Focusing on the annual brand project of "Healthy Longevity, Love and Longevity, Virtue and Longevity", more than a thousand traditional cultural inheritance activities such as "The Most Beautiful Flower Bun" and "The Most Beautiful Balcony" have been carried out. In three years, 15 comprehensive renovation projects for old communities in the town, 7 power line renovation projects in communities, and water and yellow renovation in more than 10 communities have been completed. 2,071 interfaces have been built, and the task of installing electric bicycle charging interfaces in 2024 has been exceeded in the first half of the year alone. In terms of party building leading property service management, a "three-in-one" system of property service enterprises and community governance was established. Through the "integration" of party building leading the "integration" of organization, the "integration" of property and community linkage, and the "integration" of joint assessment, the "moral governance" culture was deeply rooted in the "red property", and a "red property" brand was created. The problem of property and community performing their respective duties and having little linkage was effectively broken, and the "three rates" of the 34 communities' complaint handling work increased by an average of 21.32%, opening up the "last mile" of community refined governance.
2. Integrate innovation into conflict mediation to improve grassroots social governance
Integrating the "non-litigation" thinking, "self-cultivation, peace and prosperity" and "Xuan De" ideas of the excellent traditional culture of moral governance into the handling of contradictions and resolving disputes, Jiugong Town actively explores the community governance system of "four-governance integration" of moral governance, self-governance, rule of law and intelligent governance under the leadership of party building, and builds a new social governance pattern of co-construction, co-governance and sharing.
1. Cultivate morality through culture and make the foundation of grassroots governance more solid.First, carry forward the excellent traditional culture of Deshou. Taking advantage of the profound historical and cultural heritage of Deshou Temple in the town, establish the characteristic cultural elements of Deshou, deepen the construction of Jiugong Town Village History Museum, 37 Deshou Book Gardens and 35 three-level service positions for new era civilization practice, create a series of lectures of "Deshou Lecture Hall", organize residents to actively participate in the arrangement and performance of situational dramas, transform the Deshou culture in back streets and alleys, and hold more than a thousand festivals and folk activities of "Healthy Longevity, Love and Longevity, Virtue and Longevity". With the "Deshou" culture as the core, create a series of cultural and creative IP "Gifts from Jiugong" in 6 categories, hold the first "Deshou" theme cultural festival, produce and promote exclusive WeChat emoticons, and carry out more than 5,000 series of theme activities. Second, create brand culture. For four consecutive years, we have created the brand of the "Strengthening the Country and Reviving with Me" Mass Chorus Festival, with more than 600,000 online and offline views; cultivate the characteristic cultural brand of "Young Pioneers Speak Young Pioneers Listen", and carry out more than 30 propaganda activities. Third, enrich cultural supply. We upgraded and renovated the cultural, entertainment and sports facilities of 34 communities, promoted the construction of the "Bookish Old Palace", built 43 libraries, equipped with more than 100,000 books, and received an average of more than 300 residents per day; we cultivated 8 dance, calligraphy and painting, modeling and other teams, carried out more than 150 activities, with more than 29,200 participants, and accelerated the construction of a common spiritual home for the people of the town.
2. Use evaluation to establish morality and make grassroots governance more flexible.Relying on the town's Deshou culture, through the "Hede+" series of governance projects, more than 100 personnel from the town's traffic civilization persuasion team, community party and league organizations, and resident volunteers were mobilized to form a civilized persuasion volunteer team to advocate a new civilized style, so that the town's appearance has been effectively improved. Up to now, the grid has effectively filed 29,386 cases, closed 29,280 cases, and the total grid patrol distance is 107,055.9 kilometers. The timely verification rate is 100%, the disposal rate is 100%, and the accuracy rate is 99.76%. Explore the establishment of more than 40 "Hede Discussion Hall" platforms, give full play to the role of moral governance and education, and resolve more than 600 community problems such as immediate handling of complaints. In 2023, the town and street that successfully removed the hat of governance will basically achieve that small matters do not leave the village and major matters do not leave the town, promote the orderly connection of "self-governance", "moral governance" and "rule of law", and widely gather a strong momentum for moral governance. During the evaluation, a benchmark for moral models was set up, and more than 200 people were selected into the town's "Most Beautiful+" series to lead a new social trend.
3. Use laws to promote morality and improve grassroots governance capabilities.Integrate grassroots resources, set up a multi-faceted mediation center for conflicts and disputes, establish a daily reception mechanism for team leaders, and promote the rapid and effective resolution of conflicts and disputes through non-litigation channels; include express delivery and takeaway brothers in the town grid patrol management cloud platform, develop 4 people as auxiliary grid members, and report street environmental problems at any time, with an average of 22 problems reported and resolved per month. So far, 2,869 legal consultations have been provided, and 379 conflicts have been comprehensively investigated and resolved, providing a good legal environment.
4. Use wisdom to restrain morality and make grassroots governance methods stronger.We will keep a close eye on the end-point governance, take the upgrading action of the comprehensive governance center as the driving force, do a good job in the construction of the grassroots governance platform of the comprehensive governance center, pilot the use of Tianlei's "City Brain" smart central system at Wufutang Metro Station and the six centers of the State Food and Drug Administration, and build 12 sets of social governance front-end equipment to intelligently identify problems such as illegal parking of vehicles, peddlers, and crowd gathering. So far, more than 400 relevant warning information and prompts have been reported, more than 100 suspicious situations have been prevented through shouting sound columns, and more than 100 cases have been handled through the "handling before litigation" response of grid members in the first half of 2024.
3. Integrate innovation into family traditions and customs to enhance the depth of grassroots social governance
We have deeply excavated and refined the "virtue and longevity" elements in the excellent traditional culture, and used the dialectical relationship of the "virtue and longevity" culture to cultivate good family traditions, lead civilized social customs, and forge simple folk customs. In the vast community, we have formed a civilized style of being virtuous, kind to others, and friendly to neighbors, and at the same time created a strong atmosphere for the creation of a national civilized city district.
1. Inherit good family traditions.Jiugong Town encourages and guides all residents to learn, formulate, sort out and summarize excellent family traditions and family mottos, so that the people can receive excellent traditional cultural education in a subtle way. For example, Qingxinyuan Community has set up a special "family tradition and building culture" to sort out and summarize the family traditions and family mottos of excellent families in history, and form a good atmosphere through mutual comparison, mutual learning and mutual promotion between neighbors and buildings.
2. Create a civilized social atmosphere.Jiugong Town has enriched the contents of community governance, weddings and funerals, mutual assistance between neighbors, and economic development of the town into the residents' convention, and has continuously improved the community residents' civilized convention by carrying out the Mingde Weixin series of cultural activities of "being civilized, breaking old conventions, being moral, and abiding by laws and regulations". At the same time, it has vigorously carried out the annual selection of outstanding community residents' conventions, and strived to form the "Jiugong Ten Articles of Respecting Virtue, Being Kind, and Being Honest" and "Jiugong Town Eleven Articles of Red Virtue", giving full play to the soft constraint role of the community civilized convention, so that the new civilized style can be like spring rain, improve the community's temperament, purify the body's atmosphere, and realize the people's discussion of civil affairs, the people's compliance with civil agreements, and the people's management of civil affairs.
3. Cultivate simple folk customs.Jiugong Town has built the "De Shou Lecture Hall" based on the Civilization Practice Station, formed a 20-person De Shou culture propaganda team, and carried out traditional cultural propaganda activities every month. Through face-to-face communication with the masses and teaching traditional cultural knowledge such as Confucian classics in easy-to-understand language, the culture of virtue has been injected into the blood of the masses and integrated into their daily lives, leading to the formation of a new social atmosphere of "everyone is polite". In the town's public areas such as bus stops, supermarkets, enterprises and institutions, more than 100 "Hede Line" parking markings have been innovatively designed and painted, effectively solving the problem of random parking of shared bicycles and electric vehicles in the town, and making the concept of urban civilization deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.
4. Integrate innovation into cadre education to enhance grassroots social governance
We have deeply explored the core concepts and ideological essence of moral governance, such as "loyalty to the ideals and principles", "benevolent government for the benefit of the people", and "cultivating oneself and managing the family" in the excellent traditional Chinese culture, and expounded on new connotations and new values ​​that meet the needs of the times. We have educated and guided the majority of Party members and cadres to understand the virtues of the nation, observe public morals, and strictly observe private morals, and effectively built a team of high-quality grassroots social governance cadres.
1. Pay attention to daily study.Deepen the construction of positions, build the "audio party building wall" of the organs, build the Yunlong Lane party building cultural wall with high standards, complete the wall work of the cultural wall of 64 units and departments of the organs and communities, and strengthen the education of respecting morality and establishing morality in all aspects; in the education and training of party members and cadres, regularly carry out "classic recitation" activities, rectify the mind and cultivate oneself, educate people with culture, strengthen the foundation, and enhance party spirit. Explore the "three micros and three reals" working mechanism, innovate in the content, form, and effect of training, create a training model that combines "fingertip micro classroom" + "community micro practice" + "monthly micro rewards", and innovatively create a "hand-painted" map, form a resource list of 43 scattered teaching resources in the town, refine the content introduction, and realize more than 500 on-site teaching in the town, with nearly 10,000 people trained. Innovatively explore the "three ones" working mechanism, explore a set of mechanisms, help a group of leaders, and cultivate a group of talents to explore a "high-yield and excellent" model to strengthen party building and lead the construction of grassroots governance talent teams.
2. Strengthen political ethics education.Incorporate political ethics education into the town's cadre education and training plan, use the Jiugong branch of the Daxing District Party School as a carrier, organize town party members and cadres to carry out political ethics education rotation training, implement the "Moqing Project" youth cadre training plan, focus on improving the language, writing and other aspects of community cadres' abilities, help cadres to be upright and cultivate political ethics, and better rely on cultural confidence to strengthen their ideals and beliefs. Focus on "burdening" and deepen the ability of party members and cadres to perform their duties. Introduce the "721" cadre capacity training mechanism, arrange 14 young party members and cadres to practice in positions such as safety rectification, renovation of old communities, and handling complaints immediately, improve the sense of responsibility for completing urgent, difficult and dangerous tasks and the ability to solve practical problems; focus on the needs of the masses, select 18 elite cadres to station in the community and Jiugong Four Villages to participate in assistance, promote the task of "entering a hundred doors, hearing a hundred things, and solving a hundred problems", and become "all-rounders" in resolving conflicts among the masses, and have solved more than 100 practical difficulties for the masses. Jiugong Town has held more than 300 political ethics education classes for town cadres and trained more than 30,000 party members and cadres. During the thematic education period, party organizations at all levels in Jiugong Town carried out 156 "home delivery of lessons" activities, covering all communities in Jiugong Town, and more than 5,000 grassroots cadres received political ethics education.
3. Grasp the vanguard force.We carried out the "Work Model", "Most Beautiful" series, town-level "Two Excellences and One First" and other selection and commendation activities, selected 665 people as role models to learn from, and hung the advanced deeds in the form of flags on the trails of various parks in the town to display, play the role of advanced model demonstration and leadership, and form a strong atmosphere of learning from each other. Make good use of resources such as the "Famous Secretary Studio" and the "Community Expert Governance Group". In the "Famous Secretary Leads the Topic and Solve the Problem" activity, through group support, co-construction and communication, we have led to the resolution of more than 10 common problems in community governance. We have set up a special team to resolve historical problems, strengthen the spirit of facing up to difficulties and taking the initiative, focus on resolving historical problems, and practice the "Fengqiao Experience" in the new era. For people with repeated demands and key petitioners, the leadership team received 46 visits to households on the front line, exchanged "hearts" for "people's hearts", and achieved significant results in resolving petition backlogs. Let party members and cadres go to the front line of the community and experience the practical inheritance of excellent traditional culture in grassroots governance.
5. Integrate innovation into grassroots party building and enhance the level of grassroots social governance
Focusing on the characteristics of grassroots party organization construction, we will actively promote the integration of excellent traditional culture into branch construction, organizational life, branch activities, etc., to give grassroots party organizations greater vitality and vigor, and further build a strong fortress for grassroots social governance.
1. Build a strong organizational system through “joint leadership”.We organized cross-exchange of community party organization secretaries, formulated the "Joint Post Rotation Plan for Jiugong Town Community Secretaries" and the "Implementation Plan for Public Selection of Key Training Targets for Community Workers", handed over the "judgment power" of the election to the residents, built a platform for learning, exchange, and competition, and publicly selected 40 community workers as key training targets. We established a comprehensive assessment system for the "two committees" of the community, "screened" the communities one by one, and carried out demonstration community construction actions through community assessments twice a year. We carried out activities such as "themed training monthly lectures", on-the-job training, and "speech contests", organized community cadres from government agencies to go out for inspection and study, and formed 11 research reports.
2. Use the "alliance model" to drive co-governance and co-construction.With the Party Building Coordination Committee as a link, we have coordinated development with Nanjiao Farm, Economic Development Zone, etc., and carried out more than 10 party building activities with the six centers directly under the State Food and Drug Administration. We have united more than 40 town-level enterprises to create the "Business Alliance" of Jiugong Town, focusing on optimizing the business environment, cultivating new business formats, and fostering new synergies to form a new track and development model for grassroots governance in which communities and enterprises build and share together, achieve mutual benefit and win-win results, and benefit the masses. We have explored, studied, cultivated and developed 15 social organizations in the town, established the "Jiugong Town Deshou Community Development Center", assisted in solving people's demands, carried out community convenience services, promoted and spread the "Deshou" culture, and integrated social organizations into community governance services. (Si Lina)