
Is it still drinkable if the bottled water is exposed to the sun in the car? The test results are here


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This article is transferred from [Taizhou Public Security];
Many car owners keep some bottled drinking water in their cars, but in the hot summer, will the water go bad after being in the car for such a long time? Will the exposure to the sun cause the migration of plasticizers? Can the half-finished bottle of water still be drunk? ...
In order to get to the bottom of the matter, the market supervision department recently selected 10 brands of bottled drinking water commonly found in supermarkets as experimental subjects, and tested the unopened and half-drunk bottled water respectively.
Will bottled water go bad if left in the car for a long time?
Unopened bottled water is placed in the trunk and front seat of the car respectively. The main difference is that the former is in a high temperature and dark environment, while the latter is in a high temperature and direct sunlight environment.
After 10 consecutive days of sampling and testing, the results showed that no plasticizers were detected in the quality of various types of bottled drinking water, and the microbial results also met the national food safety standard limits.
Can I still drink the half bottle of water left in the car?
Each of the seven healthy experimental participants chose a bottle of drinking water, drank about half of it in several times, and then put it in the front drain gutter of the car. Samples were taken at intervals of 12 hours, 24 hours, and 48 hours and sent to the laboratory for testing and comparison.
According to the experimental results, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and nitrite were not detected, and plasticizers (DEHP, DBP) and coliform bacteria were all below the quantitative limit.
The only thing that was detected was the total colony count, which was caused by the large number of microorganisms in the human mouth. After 24 hours of storage, the total colony count of most samples showed a decreasing trend or even no detection. It may be that the nutrients in drinking water are not enough to sustain the growth of microorganisms, and the continuous high temperature environment makes it difficult for microorganisms in bottled water to survive.
Experiments show that
Bottled water in the car during summer
Generally no deterioration
But I still recommend everyone
It is best to drink up newly opened bottled water at once
Avoid waste
(Source: Zhejiang Public Security Bureau)