
A-share stock repurchase list: 30 companies disclosed repurchase progress


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According to the AI ​​Express of Meijing, Wind data shows that on August 20, a total of 30 companies issued announcements related to stock repurchases. Among them, shareholders of 2 companies proposed to repurchase company shares, 3 companies disclosed stock repurchase plans for the first time, 4 companies' repurchase plans were approved by shareholders' meetings, 4 companies disclosed the progress of stock repurchase implementation, and 17 companies' repurchase plans have been implemented.

From the first disclosure of the repurchase plan, one company had a stock repurchase plan amounting to more than 10 million yuan on that day. Huatong Shares, Xinghui Shares, and Chuangyuan Technology had the highest repurchase plans, with plans to repurchase no more than 100 million yuan, 1.745 million yuan, and 209,100 yuan respectively.

Judging from the repurchase plans passed by the shareholders' meeting, three companies had repurchase plans exceeding 10 million yuan on that day. Guangri, Xinlicheng and Hualan had the highest repurchase amounts, planning to repurchase no more than 200 million yuan, 100 million yuan and 80 million yuan respectively.

Judging from the progress of the repurchase implementation, Leo Group, Plike and Jinjiang Hotels had the highest repurchase amounts, with repurchases of 202 million yuan, 54.2353 million yuan and 36.7218 million yuan respectively.

In terms of completed repurchases, 10 companies repurchased more than 10 million yuan on that day. Juneyao Airlines, Zhongwei Shares, and Kingfa Technology completed the highest repurchase amounts, repurchasing 300 million yuan, 290 million yuan, and 176 million yuan respectively.

As of August 20, 1,586 repurchase plans have been implemented so far this year, involving 1,212 companies, of which 260 companies have completed repurchases of more than 100 million yuan. Among them, Gree Electric, Hikvision, and WuXi AppTec ranked first in repurchase amount, having completed repurchases of 3.00 billion yuan, 2.894 billion yuan, and 2.00 billion yuan, respectively.

Daily Economic News