
Colombia suspends coal exports to Israel, which could cut off half of Israel's coal imports


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On August 18, the Colombian government approved a decree banning coal exports to Israel. Colombia will suspend coal exports to Israel. The decree will take effect on August 22.

Colombian President Gustavo Petro said the decision was based on the humanitarian crisis caused by Israel's military operations since October 7, 2023.

Back in June, Gustavo Petro said Colombia would suspend coal exports to Israel.

Colombia is Israel's main coal supplier, accounting for more than half of Israel's coal imports. In 2023, Colombia provided Israel with coal worth about $450 million.

Israel has abundant proven natural gas reserves. In its energy structure, natural gas accounts for more than 60% of the total energy, coal accounts for about 20%, and renewable energy accounts for about 10%.

Israel's coal-fired power is being replaced by natural gas-fired power. In 2019, Israel proposed to completely stop using coal-fired power generation by the end of 2025 and enter the "coal-free power generation era". At the same time, it plans to increase the proportion of renewable energy power generation to 20% by 2025 and to 30% by 2030.

Colombia is one of the world's major coal producers and exporters, exporting 56.7 million tons of coal last year, of which 3 million tons were exported to Israel, accounting for about 5.4% of total exports.