
Peking University welcomes more than 4,000 new students


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Original title: Peking University welcomes more than 4,000 new students
The School of Urban and Environmental Sciences invites students to bring a glass of water from their hometown to water the "Life Resilience Tree"
Yesterday (19th), Peking University welcomed a new batch of undergraduate freshmen. Peking University admitted a total of 4,326 undergraduate freshmen in 2024. On the day of the welcome ceremony, slogans of "Welcome New Students" were everywhere in Peking University, and each department also prepared a unique welcome session according to its own characteristics, welcoming new students to integrate into the Yanyuan family.
Yesterday, in the Qiu Deba Gymnasium of Peking University, teachers and students from various departments of Peking University have made full preparations and are waiting for the new students to join. Beijing Youth Daily reporters saw at the scene that 23 mascots of various departments, including the "Number-Knowing Chicken" of the School of Mathematics, the "Stupid Baby" of the School of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, and the "Siege Lion" of the School of Information Science and Technology, have been in place at the scene, waiting for the new students to join.
In addition to these mascots, each department has also prepared a special welcome session based on its own characteristics. The School of Urban and Environmental Sciences brought a dragon blood tree with great growth resilience, and invited each student to bring a handful of soil or water from their hometowns and all corners of the world to water it, and jointly cultivate the spirit of life resilience of the 2024 class. After seeing the college's notice, Jiang Shuzhu, a freshman from Shaoxing, Zhejiang, brought a bottle of water from his hometown and watered it on the dragon blood tree on the spot. "I brought it in a thermos cup, and I hope that the enthusiasm from my hometown can help this dragon blood tree grow better." Jiang Shuzhu said.
When the freshmen at the School of Government and Management register, the seniors will give them a card on which they can write their names and paint with watercolors. The signatures of all 52 freshmen will form the English abbreviation of the School of Government and Management - SG, which is also the first work they have completed together at the School of Government and Management.
On the day of the orientation, Zhu Yetian, a candidate from Hangzhou who had become famous on the Internet for sending him to the exam in a Maybach, also came to Peking University's orientation. This year, he was admitted to the School of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering of Peking University with a score of 700 in the college entrance examination.
Zhu Yetian told the Beijing Youth Daily reporter that he is very interested in chemistry, has participated in chemistry competitions, and has passed Peking University's Strong Foundation Program. He hopes to continue on the path of chemical research in the future. Because of the Maybach incident, Zhu Yetian became a hot topic and was given the title of "Maybach Master". Zhu Yetian said that he hopes to forget these things and come to Peking University. He is no different from other freshmen, just an ordinary student.
Zhu Yetian was a little nervous about going to study so far away from home for the first time. His parents sent him to Peking University and told him to arrange his time and take good care of himself. When talking about the upcoming university life, Zhu Yetian said that he must first learn the professional knowledge well. In addition, he is very interested in bridge and hopes to join the Peking University Bridge Club.
At the orientation event on the 19th, a Beijing Youth Daily reporter met Tujia girl Tian Shubin, who achieved her dream by being admitted to Peking University from a small county. She told the Beijing Youth Daily reporter that she visited Peking University after graduating from junior high school and dreamed of entering Peking University at that time. However, her grades fell behind in high school and she felt that she was getting further and further away from Peking University.
"One year I watched table tennis, and Sun Yingsha reversed the score from 2:8 to 11:8. I think learning is the same as table tennis. You may fall behind at the beginning, but as long as you persist and have a strong heart, you can catch up." Tian Shubin said that it was this unyielding spirit that finally made her dream of studying at Peking University come true. Now that she has entered such an excellent university as Peking University, Tian Shubin said that she wants to learn from the teachers and classmates around her. In the future, she hopes to study abroad and learn and improve with outstanding people from all over the world.
Photo by our reporter Yuan Yi