
The power grid load hits a record high! See how Chongqing ensures full power supply


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On August 19, the Municipal Meteorological Bureau issued a weather forecast, predicting that the highest temperature in Chongqing will reach 43°C in the next week. As the temperature rises, so does the electricity consumption. Chongqing is still in the critical period of peak summer demand.
On the same day, the reporter learned from the Municipal Energy Bureau that as of now, the maximum load of the city's unified power grid is 27.33 million kilowatts (August 9), a historical high, 1.3 million kilowatts higher than the maximum load last summer (26.03 million kilowatts). The maximum adjustable power during the same period is about 28 million kilowatts, and the power supply is stable and orderly.
How did Chongqing ensure full power supply this year? How will it make up for the long-term power shortage in the future?
A relevant person in charge of the Municipal Energy Bureau introduced that since the summer of 2023, the city’s total new installed power capacity has exceeded 3 million kilowatts.
Among them, the city has started the construction of about 2 million kilowatts of wind power and photovoltaic new energy projects, adding 1.44 million kilowatts of new energy installed capacity compared to before the summer of 2023.
In addition, Chongqing has fully utilized the key role of traditional electricity in ensuring summer supply. For example, in November 2023, the Yongchuan Gangqiao gas turbine cogeneration was completed and put into operation, the Qijiang Panlong pumped storage power station was fully put into operation 7 months ahead of schedule, and 11 "bottleneck" projects for power grid summer supply such as the dynamic capacity increase and transformation of the Longquan line were fully completed. 500,000-kilowatt new energy storage projects such as Qianjiang Qinggang were built, and local power grids, self-provided power plants and other resources were coordinated. During the peak summer period, the output of the main grid was not less than 590,000 kilowatts, which maximized the gap in power load during the peak summer period.
In addition to keeping a close eye on the construction of key power projects, Chongqing has also continued to strengthen the coordinated dispatch of power to improve supply capacity. For example, the State Grid Chongqing Electric Power Company dynamically optimized the dispatching order of hydropower, wind power, purchased electricity, gas, coal, and energy storage projects in the city, strengthened cooperation with Sichuan and Guizhou in joint dispatching, optimized reservoir dispatching and operation, and improved the peak capacity of major hydropower stations. During peak hours, the water levels of major hydropower stations such as Pengshui and Caojie were increased in stages, increasing the power generation capacity by about 150,000 kilowatts.
At the same time, Chongqing has also made every effort to ensure the supply of power coal, continued to deepen cooperation with major coal production areas such as Shaanxi, Shanxi and Guizhou, and achieved full coverage of coal for coal-fired units for the first time in the newly signed medium- and long-term power coal contracts this year, ensuring the reserve of power coal to meet the peak summer demand.
The person in charge also revealed that by the end of this year, the Sichuan-Chongqing 1000 kV UHV AC project is scheduled to be completed and put into use. It is the first UHV project to be implemented in our city. After completion, it can increase the transmission capacity of the Sichuan-Chongqing power grid by more than 3 million kilowatts. At the same time, our city will also put into operation the Liangjiang Gas Turbine Phase II Unit 3 and other power supply guarantee projects by the end of this year, effectively improving our city's power supply capacity.
"However, objectively speaking, Chongqing's energy resources are limited, and the difficulty in ensuring power supply is still the power gap during the peak summer period." The above-mentioned person in charge of the Municipal Energy Bureau said that even if the existing external power transmission channels and the city's planned power sources and new energy storage can be completed and put into operation as scheduled, and at the same time fully utilize the 5% demand-side response capacity and emergency standby support of retired coal-fired power, there will still be a certain power gap after 2030.
In order to ensure medium- and long-term power supply security and plan for additional power support in advance, Chongqing will follow the "external introduction and internal increase" approach. While accelerating the construction of supporting power sources in the city, it will also simultaneously promote the construction of new "external power into Chongqing" projects to enhance the city's power supply capacity.
In terms of the construction of the infrastructure system for the import of external energy into Chongqing, in 2024 and 2025, Chongqing will complete and put into operation the Sichuan-Chongqing 1,000 kV ultra-high voltage AC and "Xinjiang Power into Chongqing" projects respectively, and the "external power into Chongqing" transmission capacity will reach 19 million kilowatts; and start the construction of the Xinjiang Power (Southern Xinjiang) Sichuan-Chongqing power transmission project and the Chongqing-Guizhou DC back-to-back project.
▲On August 2, construction workers were working hard at the construction site of the Yubei Converter Station of the "Xinjiang Power into Chongqing" Hami-Chongqing ±800 kV UHV DC Transmission Project. Photo by Chief Reporter Long Fan
In terms of the city's energy supply infrastructure, Chongqing will accelerate the promotion of thermal power projects such as the Liangjiang Gas Turbine Phase II, Hechuan Shuanghuai Coal-fired Power Phase III, and the construction of pumped storage power stations in Yunyang Jianquan, Fengdu Liziwan, and Fengjie Caiziba; accelerate the construction of the city's "double ring and two radiation" main grid, improve the 220 kV and below distribution network in a layered and zoned manner, and build a smart grid that adapts to the new power system; accelerate the construction of navigation and power hubs such as Wujiang Baima, Jialingjiang Lize, and Fu River Shuangjiang, and continue to tap the hydropower potential of small and medium-sized river basins in the city; fully promote the development of new energy such as wind and solar, promote the development of new energy storage in a classified manner, accelerate the promotion of user-side energy storage, and orderly develop power supply-side energy storage.
▲On July 22, workers were hoisting wind turbine blades at the Qilin Phase II wind power project construction site in Qianjiang District. Special photographer Yang Min