
Philippine military aircraft appeared over Huangyan Island, PLA fighter jets dropped flares, the Philippines crossed the red line


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Text/Zhan Hai

The Southern Theater Command announced on August 10 that the Philippine Air Force sent a military aircraft to illegally intrude into the airspace of Huangyan Island in the South China Sea on the 10th, interfering with the normal training and exercise activities of the People's Liberation Army. We identified, verified, tracked, monitored, warned and drove it away in accordance with the law. Obviously,The Philippine plane's trip was obviously intended to gather intelligence.

(Philippine Air Force NC212i transport aircraft)

The Southern Theater Command's statement was brief, saying only that the PLA drove away the Philippine aircraft, but without any details. On the same day, the Philippine military issued a statement that partially supplemented the situation at the scene: At that time, a Philippine NC-212i small transport plane approached Huangyan Island and was intercepted by two Chinese fighter jets.The Philippines claimed that the Chinese military aircraft performed "dangerous maneuvers" against it and dropped "heat bombs" on its flight path. Eventually, the Philippine military aircraft quickly fled and returned to Clark Military Base.

(People's Liberation Army J-10C fighter)

It is worth noting that the Philippine military aircraft intruded into Huangyan Island at the same time when the United States led the Philippines, Australia and Canada to organize the so-called "multinational maritime cooperation activities" in the South China Sea. The Philippines' actions this time were most likely another test of China under the instigation of the United States. But this time,Obviously, they have crossed China's red line. We directly dispatched military aircraft to intercept them, which may have exceeded the Philippines' expectations.

Among the four countries participating in the so-called "cooperative activities", the Philippines has the weakest military strength, but the other three countries pushed the Philippines to "step on the minefield". Regardless of whether the Philippines took the initiative or not, it had no choice but to bite the bullet and force its way into Huangyan Island. The PLA maintained the greatest restraint and did not use offensive weapons, but used heat-dispersing bombs to warn, which was already a relatively high-level warning.According to the handling process, if the Philippine military aircraft did not turn around at that time, our military aircraft would fire warning shots or even shoot it down.

(Thermal flares are originally used to interfere with missile aiming, and using them as warnings is already a very serious level)

However, this flight of the Philippine military aircraft can still help the United States spy on a lot of intelligence about our military. Through this flight, the United States can also roughly understand the effective working range of China's air defense identification system in Huangyan Island and the efficiency of the PLA military aircraft deployment.In addition, the way our military aircraft responded can also roughly determine our attitude towards the military aircraft that intruded into Huangyan Island.

This time, the U.S. military knew the information it wanted, but pushed the Philippines one step further into the fire pit. The transport plane dispatched by the Philippine military this time was the small plane used to airdrop supplies to Ren'ai Reef before. China naturally cannot remain indifferent to the continuous provocation. After this incident, the actions of Philippine military aircraft in the South China Sea are likely to be further restricted. This time we can use flares to drive them away, and there will naturally be a next time.

(Philippine aircraft airdropped supplies to the warship stranded on Ren'ai Reef)

If the Philippines does not follow China's rules for supply in the future, we can completely cut off the Philippines' maritime supply route. If the Philippines wants to continue to airdrop supplies, we can also directly dispatch aircraft to drive them away according to the situation this time.

After this incident, the Philippines has less and less room for maneuver in the South China Sea. The lives and deaths of those soldiers on the broken ship stranded on Ren'ai Reef are essentially in our hands. We can completely cut off all Philippine supply routes, including airdrops, and force these personnel to leave the broken ship. The Philippines will lose all initiative on Ren'ai Reef and other islands and reefs in the South China Sea.

(As long as China is unwilling, it can completely prevent the Philippines from delivering supplies to this broken ship in any form)

But the Philippines' actions this time have also sounded the alarm for us. The Philippines is determined to fight us to the end.If conditions permit, we need to act ruthlessly and quickly to completely crush all the Philippines' unreasonable wishes and avoid being involved too much energy by the Philippines.