
The situation on the Kursk battlefield is unclear. The Ukrainian army continues to increase its troops, or is conducting a "feint to the east and attack in the west"


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On August 10, Russia announced that the three regions bordering Ukraine, namely Kursk, Belgorod and Bryansk, had entered an anti-terrorism mechanism and implemented media control, and also imposed restrictions on civilians: the competent authorities can monitor telecommunications systems and inspect mail; when driving into areas under the anti-terrorism system, law enforcement agencies have the right to inspect individuals and their belongings, and can forcibly detain suspects before interrogation, etc.

In the past 24 hours, the Kursk directionThe Russian reinforcements that had arrived had been put into action and were beginning to stabilize the front.

On the same day, the Ukrainian army launched five unsuccessful attacks on the Korenevo settlement; fighting in the Sudja area continued, the Ukrainian armed forces entered Zaoreshka to plant a flag, and fighting in Martinovka east of the city of Sudja continued; the Ukrainian army gained a foothold in the Nanzhi farm and Cossack Loknia village areas; fighting also continued in the Snagosti area; there was no major change in the contact line of the Geyevka battle near Plekhovo; the Russian Aerospace Forces continued to carry out large-scale air strikes on the Ukrainian army's rear troop assembly points and positions in the Sumy area.

On the same day, the Ukrainian military formations that entered Kursk continued to dig fortifications in the controlled area day and night, while increasing troops in the area.

In the Suja region, the Russians counterattacked in the direction of Malayalocknia.Additional troops were sent to the Kozhenevsky and Suchansky regions, and a heavy military presence was noticeably increased in areas where there were no troops at all a few days ago.

The Ukrainian army has four brigade numbers in the Kursk region, as well as four special operations teams.At the same time, due to the objective electronic warfare and anti-electronic warfare confrontation, the situation on the front line is hidden in the fog of battle, and it is too early to draw conclusions about the situation for the front-line troops of the two armies.

In Ukraine, at the border between Belgorod and Kursk, the Ukrainian army is introducing a new force, a regiment and more than a hundred vehicles loaded with various weapons and equipment.This number was not enough to launch a large-scale offensive operation, but it was enough to carry out a raid on border villages in the Belgorod region.

Araudinov, deputy director of the Military Political Bureau of the Russian Ministry of Defense and commander of the Akhmat special forces, said:The actions of the Ukrainian army in the Kursk region are distracting in nature.Ukraine can launch a major offensive in other directions, one of which is in the Kherson region in the south of Donbass. For a long time, in the Kherson region, the Ukrainian regular army, special forces and special forces of the Main Intelligence Directorate have been conducting joint training, especially practicing amphibious coordinated operations.

Recently, the number of Ukrainian electronic warfare and electronic reconnaissance systems turned on suddenly increased in the Ochakov, Stanislav, Kizomys settlements and other areas at the right bank of the Kherson estuary. One of the Ukrainian army's hypothetical plans may be an attempt to land and integrate forces in the Kimbern and Tenderovskaya spit areas at the mouth of the Dnieper River.This may be the determination and goal of the Ukrainian army to implement the main direction of the summer counter-offensive campaign under the pretext of peace talks and the smokescreen of Kursk.