
A large number of US troops reinforce the Middle East. Iran released a video of a US aircraft carrier, claiming that two missiles could sink it.


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Text/Zhan Hai

The Middle East has once again fallen into turmoil over Israel's assassination of Hamas leader Haniyeh. Iran has vowed to take revenge on Israel, and Israel's top backer, the United States, has also quickly taken action, sending additional troops to the Middle East, includingaircraft carrierA large number of troops, including the United States, are trying to prevent Iran from launching a major attack.

Recently, the Iranian News Agency released a video that brought "shame" to the US military. It is reported that the video was recently shot in the Strait of Hormuz. The video shows an image of an aircraft carrier sailing. It is not difficult to see from the information in the comprehensive picture that this is the picture taken by an Iranian drone when the USS Roosevelt aircraft carrier passed through the Strait of Hormuz.

(The USS Roosevelt passes through the Strait of Hormuz)

During the entire filming process, there was no unusual movement on the US aircraft carrier and everything on the deck was normal. It is highly likely that the drone that was monitoring the US aircraft carrier from afar was not discovered.If the drone was carrying weapons at the time, it would have posed a threat to the aircraft carrier at such a close distance.In June of this year, it was widely rumored that the USS Eisenhower was attacked byHouthi armed forcesThe attack on the USS Eisenhower was so severe that the captain had to personally "refute the rumor". It is generally believed that Iran does have the ability to attack US aircraft carriers.The footage of the US aircraft carrier released this time further confirms this point.Iran’s release of the video of locking onto a U.S. aircraft carrier is clearly a warning to the U.S. not to act rashly in the Middle East or to try to stop Iran’s revenge.

(USS Roosevelt in the Strait of Hormuz)

According to Iran,Only two Abu Mahdi cruise missiles are needed to sink the USS Roosevelt, it only takes one of these missiles to sink another Arleigh Burke-class destroyer in the aircraft carrier fleet.In other words, Iran is confident that it can destroy the U.S. military with its weapons.Carrier Battle Group

The "Abu Mahdi" missile, as Iran calls it, is a cruise missile developed by Iran. The missile was first unveiled to the public in 2015 and is exclusively used by the Iranian Navy. The missile can be launched from a mobile missile launcher. According to information provided by the US think tank CSIS, the range of this missile is about 1,000 kilometers.

(The Abu Mahdi missile is like a Kh-55 missile with a range extender installed on the tail)

The United States suspects that the missile is a "magic modification" of the Soviet-era Kh-55 missile developed by Iran. Ukraine has previously admitted that 12 Kh-55 missiles arrived in Iran through illegal channels. It is worth noting that the Kh-55 missile has nuclear strike capability. If Iran reverse-engineers this missile,, it is not ruled out that this missile also has nuclear strike capability.

(Soviet Kh-55 air-launched cruise missile)

According to the capabilities of this missile, it is somewhat unrealistic to think that a few missiles can destroy the US aircraft carrier battle group, but it is not impossible. If the missile can penetrate the US air defense network, three missiles can accurately hit the US aircraft carrier andDestroyer, which can indeed cause great losses to the US military.

Since there is no record of the sinking of US aircraft carriers, we can only use the record of damage to US aircraft carriers for analogy.Carrier-based aircraftA missile was ignited during takeoff, causing a serious fire and explosion on the aircraft carrier, which ultimately caused serious damage to the aircraft carrier. All of this was caused by just one aircraft-borne missile. If the two missiles could accurately hit the weak points of the aircraft carrier, the possibility of the USS Roosevelt being sunk cannot be ruled out.

(Such a serious situation did not cause the Forrestal aircraft carrier to sink)

However, these are only theoretical possibilities. Whether Iranian missiles can penetrate the air defense network organized by the U.S. Aegis system and hit the aircraft carrier is still unknown. Although the performance of Iranian missiles has not been announced, if we infer the performance of the Kh-55 missile, the missile is a subsonic cruise missile, which is very similar to the U.S. Tomahawk cruise missile. The U.S. Aegis air defense system can easily intercept such targets. Not to mention 3 missiles, even 30 missiles would find it difficult to penetrate the defense of the Aegis system.

In fact, at this point, it is no longer important whether Iranian missiles can really sink US aircraft carriers. What is important is that with the continuous "non-combat deterrence" of the US military by the Houthi armed forces, Iran and others in the Red Sea, the invincible image of the US Navy has been broken, which still has positive significance for gradually deconstructing the US "military hegemony."