
The Russian army claimed that it used the Iskander missile to destroy the Ukrainian command post in the border area of ​​Kursk Oblast


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Russia Today (RT) reported that on August 10, the Russian Ministry of Defense reported that the Russian armed forces destroyed the command post of the 22nd Independent Mechanized Brigade of the Ukrainian Army in the border area of ​​Kursk Oblast with the "Iskander-M" missile, and 15 commanders of the command post were killed.

The Russian Ministry of Defense released a video clip taken by a drone showing the bombing of the Ukrainian command post. The video shows that there are several buildings in the dense forest and at least one Ukrainian armored vehicle appeared in the area. Then, a strong explosion occurred after one of the buildings was hit, and a thick smoke rose.

RT said that the "Iskander" missile can carry a payload of 700 kilograms. In recent weeks, Russia has been using the weapon to attack Ukrainian military assembly areas, command and control centers, airports, defense industrial facilities and other military targets.

On the morning of August 6, Ukrainian troops attempted to break into Kursk Oblast, the largest attack on Russian territory since the conflict broke out. Russia condemned the attack as a provocation and accused Ukraine of targeting civilians. At the same time, Ukrainian officials said the purpose of the offensive was to gain a more favorable position in negotiations with Russia.

Russia's Defense Ministry said the Ukrainian offensive had been halted and reserve forces had been redeployed to the region, where it said Ukraine had lost up to 1,100 troops and 140 armored vehicles so far.

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