
53 textbooks from 5 subjects of Beijing Publishing Group were selected into the "2024 Compulsory Education National Curriculum Teaching Book Catalog"


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The General Office of the Ministry of Education recently announced the "Catalogue of National Curriculum Textbooks for Compulsory Education in 2024". The Beijing Edition of Compulsory Education Textbooks, jointly compiled by the Beijing Academy of Educational Sciences and Beijing Publishing Group and published by Beijing Publishing Group Beijing Publishing House, has 53 textbooks in 5 subjects successfully selected into the "Catalogue of National Curriculum Textbooks for Compulsory Education in 2024". This selection is an important achievement of Beijing's curriculum reform, demonstrating the foresight, innovation and effectiveness of Beijing in deepening comprehensive reforms in the field of education and optimizing curriculum structure and content.

The 53 textbooks selected this time, including "Mathematics" (grades 1 to 9), "English" (grades 3 to 6), "Chemistry" (grade 9), "Biology" (grades 7 to 8), "Physical Education and Health Student Book" (grades 1 to 9), and "Physical Education and Health Teacher Book" (12 volumes), have successfully passed the review of the Expert Committee of the National Textbook Committee. Among them, "Physical Education and Health" (grades 1 to 6) as a new subject textbook was also successfully selected this time.

In recent years, Beijing Publishing Group has kept in mind the original intention of educating people for the Party and the country, closely focusing on the fundamental task of cultivating morality and cultivating people, integrating the core socialist values ​​throughout the entire process of textbook compilation, integrating the unique cultural essence of the capital into the content of textbooks, and adhering to the value concept of "originality, professionalism, and first-class". It has organized a textbook compilation team led by high-end experts, intensively studied and strived for excellence, and carefully created a batch of high-quality textbooks that cultivate the soul and enlighten the mind. In 2023, Beijing Publishing Group edited and revised the Beijing edition textbooks in accordance with the newly revised national curriculum plan and curriculum standards for compulsory education in 2022. All of them have passed the review, and have effectively contributed to the construction of a rich content, complete system, and high-quality education resource system, cultivating new people of the era with ideals, abilities, and responsibilities, and building a strong country in education and talents.

Beijing Publishing Group is a state-owned cultural enterprise under the jurisdiction of Beijing. Its predecessor was the Popular Bookstore established in 1948. Over the past 70 years, the group has accumulated rich brand resources, author resources and content resources. The Group's Textbook Branch, as the unit responsible for the publication of this textbook, was established in 2021. Its predecessor was the Group's Textbook Center, which was mainly responsible for publishing textbooks, teaching aids and national college and technical secondary school textbooks in various subjects for primary and secondary schools. After years of hard work, a comprehensive, diversified, serialized and three-dimensional textbook publishing pattern has been formed. In 2021, the Textbook Center was awarded the honorary title of the first "National Advanced Collective for Textbook Construction" for its outstanding work performance.

Source: Beijing Daily Client

Reporter: Lu Yanxia
