
White House announces new military aid to Ukraine at sensitive moment


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According to the Associated Press on August 9, the White House announced on the 9th that the United States will provide Ukraine with an additional $125 million worth of weapons to assist its military operations against Russia, including much-needed air defense capabilities, radars to detect and counter enemy artillery, and anti-tank weapons.

The report said that just as the United States announced its latest package of military aid to Ukraine, Ukraine launched its largest ground offensive on Russian territory since the conflict began in February 2022. The Ukrainian army's offensive on Russia's Kursk Oblast prompted Moscow to declare a state of emergency in the state and send reinforcements there.

John Kirby, strategic communications coordinator for the White House National Security Council, said Ukraine's use of U.S.-supplied weapons in its offensive was consistent with U.S. government policy.

According to reports, the weapons in the latest US military aid plan to Ukraine will be extracted from the existing US arms inventory, including Stinger surface-to-air missiles, 155mm and 105mm caliber artillery shells, HIMARS rocket launcher ammunition and vehicles, etc. This brings the total US aid to Ukraine since 2022 to US$55.6 billion.

Column Editor: Qin Hong Text Editor: Lu Xiaochuan Title Image Source: Xinhua News Agency Data Map Image Editor: Su Wei

Source: Author: Reference News