
A woman gave birth to 7 babies in 13 years and voluntarily became a "baby-making machine". The mother said: Good genes cannot be wasted


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Many mothers feel like they are going through a tribulation after giving birth. The pregnancy process may be bearable, but the childbirth process is very painful. Many mothers develop psychological trauma after experiencing it once, so they don't want to have children again.

But some mothers think that giving birth is easy, and even want to have more children, so that they will feel more secure. Cecilia Cheung has said before that she wants five children so that she will feel more secure.

Although giving birth is difficult, the joy that the child brings will make the mother forget the pain, and the process of raising the child will also give the mother a sense of satisfaction.

A woman gave birth to seven babies in 13 years. The mother said: Good genes cannot be wasted

A mother born in the 1980s became popular on the Internet.

After all, times have changed. In the past, many families had many children, but now most families only have one child, so such families are indeed rare.

When asked why she had so many children, the mother said that she loved children very much.