
Ma Long wrote: From London to Paris, it's been a long, long journey. Thank you to everyone around me and behind me.


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On August 10, Beijing time, Ma Long posted:It was a long and long journey from London to Paris. It was hard work and it was perfect. Thank you to everyone who stood beside me and behind me.

Previous reports

On August 10, in the men's table tennis team final, the Chinese men's table tennis team defeated the Swedish men's table tennis team 3-0 and successfully won the gold medal. Ma Long also became the Chinese athlete with the most Olympic gold medals with six Olympic gold medals.

After the game, Ma Long smiled and announced that he had decided to bid farewell to the Olympic Games. "For the Olympics, this stage is my last dance. This is a perfect experience. I feel very proud, very lucky, and very proud."

He said: "Whether it is the charm of competitive sports that we have seen, or our experience of being willing to give everything for our dreams, it can influence many athletes and is worth learning for young athletes."

Regarding his retirement as an athlete, Ma Long said he would think about it later. "After the Tokyo Olympics, I never thought that I would be standing on the court in Paris again. During these three years, I think I have gained a lot of training both mentally and technically."

Ma Long said: "I am very happy to finally have the opportunity to participate in the Olympics. I have the two strongest teammates in the world around me. We can work together for this goal. I think I am still the lucky one."

According to China News Network, during the team competition, Ma Long spent most of his time sitting next to the men's team head coach Wang Hao, cheering for his teammates, and became "Coach Ma."

Ma Long laughed and said it was just a cameo. "I am definitely not suitable to be a coach. If I were a coach, I would be too strict with the athletes."

At the Hangzhou Asian Games last year, after Ma Long won the gold medal in the team event, he was asked by reporters about his feelings about the Asian Games journey, and he mentioned the word "last time." "There was always another Asian Games after each one ended, and this should be my last Asian Games," he said.

In the 2024 Busan World Table Tennis Championships, Ma Long's statement after winning the championship seemed familiar: "The next team competition will be in two years, and I probably won't be able to hold on until then. My last game of the World Championships ended with a victory, and I think the World Championships journey was perfect."

Ma Long has participated in three Olympic Games before. He made his Olympic debut at the 2012 London Olympics and won the team gold medal with the team.

Four years later at the Rio Olympics, Ma Long was at the peak of his sports career and won two gold medals in team and singles.

At the Tokyo Olympics, Ma Long was still the strongest player standing at the top, winning the team and singles gold medals again.

Ma Long, who is about to turn 36, regards Paris as his last Olympics. He used this heavy team gold medal to put a perfect end to his Olympic experience.

[Source: Jiupai News, comprehensive accounts of the parties involved, China Youth Daily, China News Network, Zhibo Bar, Beijing Youth Daily, etc.]

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