
A woman released cockroaches in the community. What responsibility should she bear for such an outrageous act?


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This article is reprinted from [Legal Daily];
Releasing cockroaches in the green belt of the community,
Facing the astonishment and questioning of the surrounding owners,
Not only is there no remorse, but the attitude is arrogant
A woman from Langfang City, Hebei Province
Release cockroaches in the community.
Arouse attention.
According to reports,
After receiving feedback from the owner,
The property management company carried out disinfection work on the site.
The police have intervened in the investigation.
In recent years,
All kinds of strange releasing behaviors happen from time to time.
Is it illegal to release cockroaches?
What legal consequences may there be?
Let’s take a look at the professional interpretation of Lawyer Expert Database member of Legal Daily, Lawyer Xu Shuo of Beijing Kangda Law Firm!
Many people understand releasing animals as a way to do good deeds and pray for blessings. However, releasing animals may seem like a private matter of "doing good deeds and accumulating virtues", but in fact it is a public event related to social order and ecological security. In daily life, some people's release of animals has caused serious social or environmental problems due to lack of scientific knowledge and environmental awareness, and may even cause great damage to the ecological environment and social public order.
Taking this incident as an example, the woman released harmful cockroaches in a residential area. Her behavior posed a direct threat to public health and the living order of residents. In particular, if the cockroaches she released carried pathogens, they might cause the spread of diseases. This not only brought health and safety risks and caused environmental pollution, but also violated the law.You may face legal penalties such as civil compensation, administrative liability, or even criminal offenses.
First, the woman's behavior is suspected of violating Article 41 of the "Wildlife Protection Law of the People's Republic of China", which states that "any organization or individual releasing wild animals into the wild environment shall select local species suitable for survival in the wild in the release area, shall not interfere with the normal life and production of local residents, and avoid causing harm to the ecosystem." And Article 63 of the law stipulates that "any violation of the provisions of this law that damages wildlife resources and the ecological environment and harms the public interest may be prosecuted in the people's court in accordance with the provisions of the "Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China", "Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China", "Administrative Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China" and other laws. The woman's behavior of releasing cockroaches at will may cause personal injury, property damage or harm to the ecosystem, which is an act that harms the public interest. She may face administrative penalties, civil compensation, and even public interest litigation.
Secondly, according to the relevant provisions of the "Public Security Administration Punishment Law of the People's Republic of China", the woman's behavior is suspected of disturbing public order and even provoking trouble, and she may be sentenced to administrative detention and a fine.
Finally, if the woman knowingly or negligently released cockroaches carrying infectious pathogens, endangering public safety, her behavior may face criminal offenses and be suspected of endangering public safety by dangerous means. Articles 114 and 115 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China clearly stipulate that if the perpetrator intentionally spreads infectious pathogens, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of at least three years to less than ten years. Even if it is negligence, he shall face criminal punishment of at least three years or less of fixed-term imprisonment or detention. At the same time, if the cockroaches released by the woman are alien species, she may also face the crime of illegally introducing, releasing, and discarding alien invasive species as stipulated in Article 344 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China. If the circumstances are serious, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of less than three years or detention, and shall be fined or fined alone.
Planning: Yang Xinshun, Song Shengnan
Text: Luo Congran