
Ministry of Commerce: Reasonably reduce the negative list for foreign investment access and promote orderly opening up in the fields of telecommunications, Internet, education, culture, and medical care


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Tang Wenhong, Assistant Minister of Commerce, said at the press conference that the Ministry of Commerce will work with relevant departments to actively connect with international high-standard economic and trade rules, select areas with large market demand and insufficient effective supply, expand opening up in steps, categories and regions, optimize supply through opening up, create demand through supply, and promote high-quality development of service consumption. On the one hand, we must steadily expand the opening up of fields, including revising the catalogue of industries encouraging foreign investment, promoting the expansion of items in service consumption-related fields, and reasonably reducing the negative list of foreign investment access, promoting orderly expansion of opening up in telecommunications, Internet, education, culture, medical and other fields, establishing and improving the negative list management system for cross-border service trade, and improving the level of openness of cross-border service trade. On the other hand, we must enhance the efficiency of the open platform, promote the comprehensive pilot demonstration of expanding the opening up of the national service industry, and build a national service trade innovation and development demonstration zone. The Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee also required the implementation of the free trade pilot zone upgrading strategy, which are all important platforms and carriers for us to do a good job in expanding the opening up of the service industry. We must also hold major exhibitions such as the China International Import Expo and the China International Fair for Trade in Services well to promote the implementation of more new service industry formats. In addition, we will also build the "Invest in China" brand, hold a series of high-quality activities, promote investment and project matching, improve the normalized and multi-level investment mechanism, and attract more foreign investment in new areas and tracks of service consumption. (This article comes from China Business Network)