
Suspected Ukrainian missile fragments were found, the entrance to the Kursk Nuclear Power Plant in Russia was closed, and the IAEA Director-General called on all parties to exercise restraint


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The Russian Permanent Mission to International Organizations in Vienna posted a message on the social platform on the 9th: "Russia has informed the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) about the situation of the Kursk Nuclear Power Plant in response to the Ukrainian army's attack on Kursk Oblast: On August 8, some shrapnel and fragments were found in the nuclear power plant, including the radioactive waste treatment complex area - possibly fragments of a downed missile."
According to reports, the IAEA said it was aware of the situation and was closely following the development of the situation. In an interview, an IAEA spokesperson said that it has established communication channels with Russia and Ukraine and is in contact with both sides, and "there is no need to worry about nuclear safety."
▲Kursk Nuclear Power Plant
It is reported that the Ukrainian army recently launched a large-scale cross-border attack on the Kursk region of Russia. The two countries are currently exchanging fire in the border area of ​​Kursk State (see Red Star News' previous report: Ukrainian ground forces launched a preemptive attack on Russia for the first time in two years. Russian experts: ordinary means, purely demonstration). It is worth noting that the Kursk Nuclear Power Plant is one of the three largest nuclear power plants in Russia.
According to IAEA Director General Grossi, Kursk Oblast has six units of two different types of nuclear reactors, two of which are shut down, two are in full operation, and two are under construction.
On the 9th, the Kursk Nuclear Power Plant said that the Kursk Nuclear Power Plant was operating in normal mode. The No. 3 and No. 4 generating units were operating according to the power set in the dispatch table, and the No. 1 and No. 2 units were in operation but not generating electricity.
The offensive launched by the Ukrainian army has caused concerns among relevant people about the safety of nuclear power plants in the region. In this regard, Grossi stressed that the principles for promoting nuclear safety formulated for the Zaporizhia Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine during the Russian-Ukrainian conflict also apply to the Kursk Nuclear Power Plant. Grossi also called on all parties to exercise maximum restraint to avoid nuclear accidents and serious nuclear radiation consequences.
It is reported that the entrance to the Kursk Nuclear Power Plant was closed on the afternoon of August 9. The Russian Permanent Mission to International Organizations in Vienna accused the Ukrainian army of reckless behavior, saying that it not only threatens Russia's nuclear facilities, but also puts the global nuclear industry in danger.
Red Star News reporter Li Jinrui and intern Chen Hanyu compiled CCTV news (CCTV reporter Song Yao)
Editor He Xianfeng Responsible Editor Guan Li
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