
On the 9th, heavy rain fell throughout the city. All departments adhered to the front line of flood prevention. 76 rainwater pumping stations were fully operational to drain water.


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Yesterday, the first rain after the Beginning of Autumn came to Beijing, and it was very heavy. This was also the last significant rainfall in Beijing during the main flood season of "the end of July and the beginning of August" this year. As of 1:00 today, the average precipitation in the city was 101.4 mm, and the average precipitation in the urban area was 101.5 mm, reaching the level of heavy rain. In the face of the rain, the city's flood control, water affairs, meteorology, emergency, drainage, fire protection, public security traffic police, urban management, geology, transportation stations and other departments rushed to the front line of flood control and rescue, and went all out to ensure the safety of citizens' lives and property and the smooth operation of the city.
On the 9th, water accumulated under the viaduct of Mayu North Gas Station in Shijingshan District. Gonglian Company and relevant departments carried out emergency drainage operations. Photo by our reporter Wu Di
At 15:00 on August 8, the Municipal Meteorological Observatory issued a yellow warning for heavy rain, and the Beijing Drainage Group launched a third-level flood control response. All units carried out work in accordance with the flood control plan. At 16:30 on August 9, the Beijing Drainage Group upgraded and launched a second-level flood control response to deal with the rainfall.
The reporter learned from Beijing Drainage Group that during the response period, the group dispatched a total of 216 large, medium and small rescue units, and a total of 2,246 flood prevention personnel. As of 19:00 yesterday, 76 pumping stations of the group started pumping, and a total of 272,000 cubic meters of rainwater were discharged and stored. 17 recycled water plants pumped large amounts of water ahead of schedule at 13:00 on August 8 to lower the liquid level of the upstream pipe network, freeing up about 150,700 cubic meters of capacity before the rain. From 15:00 on August 8 to 18:00 on August 9, the total water volume treated by the group's water plants was 4.9156 million cubic meters, an increase of 14.6% compared with non-rainy days during the flood season.
It is understood that before the rain, Beijing Drainage Group had checked the rainwater outlets around 157 sunken bridges, 78 flood risk points and other key areas, cleaned 714 rainwater outlets and 8.5 kilometers of rainwater pipelines to ensure the normal operation of facilities during the rainy period. In response to this round of rainfall, the Drainage Group worked with various districts to make joint disposal of accumulated water and support emergency preparations; completed docking with the river department, all river outlet gates were opened, and river level and dam information were shared in real time; completed docking with the traffic control and transportation departments to assist in traffic interruption, navigation and other measures; docked with the sanitation and street departments to implement the rainwater outlet salvage linkage and rain sweeping work; and completed the point-to-point docking and linkage of 250 subway stations to promptly deal with the accumulated water around the subway stations.
According to statistics from the Beijing Water Authority, as of 20:00 yesterday, the Yongding River Basin received 53.2 mm of rainfall; the Chaobai River Basin received 44.7 mm of rainfall; the Beiyunhe Basin received 64.9 mm of rainfall; the Daqing River Basin received 71.8 mm of rainfall; the Jiyunhe Basin received 20.6 mm of rainfall; the Guanting Reservoir Basin received 23.8 mm of rainfall; and the Miyun Reservoir Basin received 33 mm of rainfall. The Municipal Water Authority organized the Municipal Water Conservancy Engineering Management Center and the water authorities of each district to conduct inspections of water conservancy engineering facilities, with a total of 3,121 inspectors dispatched to inspect 80 reservoirs, 725 sluices, 1,721 km of embankments, and 46 river-related projects under construction.
As of 20:00 yesterday, the city's water conservancy projects were operating smoothly, safely and normally. No river channel (river section) exceeded the warning water level; all large and medium-sized reservoirs were operating below the flood limit water level.
Flood prevention and traffic police
All traffic police are on duty to ensure urban traffic
On the 9th, rainfall occurred in most parts of the city. The rainfall began to gradually increase in the afternoon and lasted for a long time. The heavy rainfall overlapped with the evening rush hour. Vehicles queued to varying degrees on the urban ring roads, connecting lines, and highways, and the traffic pressure was quite prominent. The city's public security traffic management department announced that the police promptly launched a high-level rainy day duty plan, and all traffic police were on duty to promptly handle various traffic emergencies in the rain.
The traffic control department launched a high-level rainy day duty plan in advance, and all traffic police were on duty to carry out their work, strengthen video patrol control and road patrol density, and strengthen patrols in sunken bridge areas and other places where water is likely to accumulate. In conjunction with municipal drainage, emergency rescue, and obstacle removal departments, they quickly carried out disposal work after discovering road waterlogging. In some sections of the road that were blocked due to waterlogging, the police took temporary traffic management measures in a timely manner and implemented remote diversion at the same time, releasing real-time traffic information through multiple channels such as radio, "Beijing Traffic Police" Weibo, outdoor display screens, and navigation software to guide vehicles to detour. During the rain, all seats in the remote traffic accident processing center were opened to guide drivers to quickly resolve minor traffic accidents and avoid the risk of secondary accidents.
Flood prevention and firefighting
The road surface was flooded to half a meter, and firefighters pumped water to ensure traffic flow
On the afternoon of the 9th, due to heavy rainfall, some sections of Guangning Street in Shijingshan District were flooded. In order to facilitate the normal traffic of the people as soon as possible, the Shidian Fire Rescue Station of the Shijingshan District Fire Rescue Detachment immediately dispatched team members to the scene to carry out emergency rescue and drainage operations.
At around 16:00, near the Sinopec Yan Guangyou gas station in Guangning Street, Shijingshan District, some vehicles were stuck in the road due to waterlogging. After the fire rescue personnel arrived at the scene, they found that the deepest water was about 50 centimeters. They immediately laid drainage lines and used floating boat pumps to pump out water. After continuous pumping operations by the fire rescue personnel, the water on the road was successfully discharged and the road resumed normal traffic.
The Shijingshan District Fire and Rescue Brigade reminds citizens to minimize going out in extreme weather conditions such as short-term heavy rainfall, thunderstorms and strong winds. If you really need to go out, drivers must pay attention to driving safety. Once the vehicle breaks down in the water, you should evacuate to a safe area as soon as possible and call the police for help.
Firefighters waded through deep water to rescue woman trapped in car
Firefighters from Daxing District waded through deep water to rescue the trapped woman.
According to the Daxing District Fire and Rescue Brigade, on the afternoon of the 9th, a car in Daxing District stalled due to wading, and a woman was trapped in the car. Firefighters waded through the deep water and safely rescued the woman from the car.
At 16:34, the Daxing District Fire Rescue Brigade received a dispatch order from the dispatch command center of the headquarters. At the intersection of Longping Street and Minsheng Road, there was a vehicle wading in the water. Panggezhuang Fire Rescue Station immediately sent team members to the scene to deal with it. At 16:48, the fire rescue personnel arrived near the scene and found that the road was flooded, so they parked the fire truck on the side of the road. Four fire rescue personnel wearing raincoats and carrying probes slowly explored the road and gradually approached the wading vehicle. The deepest water on the way was more than 1 meter, which was above the firefighters' waists.
"The person trapped in the car was a female driver who was trapped because the vehicle stalled. She looked quite nervous and we comforted her," said Zheng Guang, director of the Panggezhuang Fire and Rescue Station. After confirming that the trapped woman was not injured, the fire rescue personnel guided her to take her belongings and assisted her in getting out of the car.