
Ambiguous plans, bundled consumption... Consumers complain about dental implant scams, CCTV reporter investigates


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In recent years, the cost of dental implants has been greatly reduced. However, after in-depth contact with patients, some institutions found that some institutions are not satisfied with just earning money from one tooth, and they extract bad teeth, diseased teeth, and even coax patients to extract good teeth, thinking that more teeth can be extracted to get more, and let patients pay more for the number of teeth extracted.

Not only that, some institutions also attract patients with "free examinations" and "low-cost experiences", and then increase various expenses in the service process by adding services, adding consumables, and bundling consumption.

Add services and bundle consumption

Some medical institutions have opaque pricing

Mr. Pan from Beijing told China Radio International that he had visited several medical institutions to learn about dental crowns on the recommendation of a friend. However, he found that some medical institutions would not negotiate prices with him at first, but would take dental X-rays for him and conduct a full-mouth check. If there were any problems that needed to be treated, these institutions would issue an all-inclusive plan that included the examination fee, X-ray fee, etc. The treatment cost for one tooth was as high as 7,000 to 8,000 yuan, which is the so-called "package price."

In contrast, some public hospitals will break down various items and quote a total of about 6,000 yuan. "Although they quote you 6,000 yuan, in the end it will definitely cost less than 6,000 yuan. This has happened many times when I went there," said Mr. Pan.

The reporter searched the social networking platform and found that there were many posts about similar dental implant issues, as well as many popular science posts that taught consumers how to "avoid pitfalls". Most of the problems consumers encountered were price opacity issues such as "multiple extractions and multiple types" and institutions adding more service items.