
Drone intelligent inspection helps efficient power grid operation and maintenance


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Original title: Drone intelligent inspection helps efficient power grid operation and maintenance
Workers' Daily-China Workers' Network reporter Zhao Lihao correspondent Zong Dianjie
On August 8, the operation and maintenance personnel of the Transmission Operation and Inspection Center of State Grid Wuwei Power Supply Company carried out integrated inspection work of visible light and infrared temperature measurement by drones on the 110 kV Liangfa Line 2. This is one of the means for the center to fully apply scientific and technological means to assist the intelligent and digital transformation of the power grid. It is also a microcosm of the comprehensive implementation of the "five-level five-control" system construction.
At the inspection site, the operation and maintenance personnel skillfully controlled the drone to make it fly autonomously according to the preset route. The drone is equipped with a high-definition visible light and infrared temperature measurement integrated gimbal, like a keen "eye", which can perform all-round and high-precision inspections on line towers, insulators, conductors and other equipment.
Through visible light imaging, maintenance personnel can clearly observe the appearance of line equipment and promptly discover obvious defects such as damaged insulators and broken wires. Infrared thermometers can accurately measure the temperature of equipment and help discover potential heating hazards.
According to the person in charge of the center, in the past, manual inspections were not only inefficient, but also difficult to detect defects in high and hidden locations. The application of drone intelligent inspections has greatly improved the efficiency and quality of inspections, and can grasp the operation status of the lines more timely and comprehensively.
In the next step, the center will actively explore the deep integration of intelligent inspection with cutting-edge technologies such as big data and artificial intelligence, pilot the application of new technologies such as drone flaw detection, further improve the analysis accuracy and processing efficiency of inspection data, and realize real-time and accurate monitoring of power grid operation status and fault warning. At the same time, it will actively play a leading role and strengthen the construction of the "five-level five-control" system to provide strong support for building a stronger and smarter power grid system.
Source: Workers Daily Client