
Lin Yuwei in the traffic field


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Only the top two in the group could "survive" and get out of the revival match, but neither Lin Yuwei, who stayed away from the hustle and bustle, nor Wu Yanni, who was very popular, could do it.
On August 8, local time, the Paris Olympic Track and Field Competition held the women's 100-meter hurdles revival. When Lin Yuwei and Wu Yanni stood on the romantic lavender purple of the Stade de France, the track showed the cruelty of competitive sports.
Chinese athlete Lin Yuwei competes in the competition on August 8. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Lü Xiaowei
In the competition that day, Lin Yuwei was the first to appear in the sixth lane of the second group. With this shot, Lin Yuwei had to get infinitely close to her personal best to have enough confidence to continue her journey to the Paris Olympics.
For her, who only ran 13.24 in the preliminaries, her condition was a big problem. After crossing the finish line, Lin Yuwei sat on the sidelines, loosening her shoelaces while staring at the big screen. When the result of 13.13 appeared, Lin Yuwei hurriedly got up and left the track.
Wu Yanni, who came on stage later, finished fourth in her group with 12.98 seconds after making a heart shape and blowing a kiss, and also missed the semifinals. This was her second time to break 13 seconds in the Olympics, following her 12.97 seconds in the first round of the preliminaries.
Wu Yanni's appearance was accompanied by a product of the times - traffic. The entry "Wu Yanni missed the semi-finals" immediately became the second most searched term. In the mixed interview area after the game, Wu Yanni was surrounded by reporters, because every word she said could cause a stir in the traffic field.
Wu Yanni admitted, "My performance today was not good because I didn't perform to my full potential." Regarding her first Olympic journey, Wu Yanni said, "This Olympics means a lot to me. It is a very unforgettable journey. I do have regrets, but I think enjoying the process is the most important thing."
Like Wu Yanni, Lin Yuwei was not in her best condition. In an interview before the Paris Olympics, Lin Yuwei said that she had great ambitions, "I will strive to break through myself and run as many times as possible." To this end, she kept her edge to herself and trained in the United States for 90 days, rarely appearing in competitions. On the other hand, Wu Yanni frequently participated in competitions at home and abroad, repeatedly stirring up topics on and off the field, until this year's National Track and Field Championships, when she ran a personal best of 12.74 seconds, equaling Lin Yuwei.
In the revival match of the day, Japanese athlete Tanaka Yumi, who was in the same group as Wu Yanni, ran 12.89 seconds and advanced to the semifinals as the second in the group. Wu Yanni continued to show her confident side after the game, "I always thought that I should be OK in Asia, but I didn't show it because of some physical reasons." In fact, together with Fukube Mako who advanced directly from the preliminaries, there are two Japanese athletes who advanced to the semifinals in this Olympics.
Chinese athlete Lin Yuwei after the competition on August 8. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Lv Xiaowei
When Wu Yanni was being interviewed, Lin Yuwei also flashed by the mixed interview area. Led by volunteers, she quickly bypassed the area where reporters gathered, leaving behind a bright red back. When the reporters came to their senses and repeatedly communicated with the volunteers to confirm that Lin Yuwei could not return to the interview area, everyone dispersed and left.
There is no doubt that this is an Olympic journey that is full of disappointment and regret for Lin Yuwei, and she is not willing to open up to the media. Lin Yuwei once said that she has a fragile heart and "cannot bear the comments on the Internet, but I admire everyone who overcomes difficulties seriously." However, no one can escape the flow of the times, just like everyone will compare her with Wu Yanni.
For Lin Yuwei, only by relying on performance can she swim out of the whirlpool of traffic. Just like on October 1, 2023, at the "Big Lotus" in Hangzhou, Lin Yuwei rushed into the Paris Olympics with 12.74 seconds.
At the end of Wu Yanni's interview, the reporters brought up the topic of next year's National Games. Wu Yanni said that she had not thought about it yet, "I can only say that I will come back next year. Now I want to adjust my condition when I go back."
Lin Yuwei, what about you?
Reporter: Xiao Rong