
British people oppose the construction of a space version of "Orcus" and condemn the plan for endangering the health of local people


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The Daily Telegraph reported on the 8th that the Royal Air Force plans to build a long-range early warning radar station for tracking satellites and other spacecraft at the Cawdor base in Pembrokeshire, Wales. Its main purpose is said to be to "respond to space threats from China, Russia and other countries." The project is named "Deep Space Advanced Radar Capability."
According to British media, this facility project is part of the UK-US-Australia "Ocus" agreement, which allows member countries to transfer sensitive technologies. According to the US "Space News" website, the "Deep Space Advanced Radar Capability" plan to build three radar stations in the United States, Australia and the United Kingdom, and is expected to be completed around 2030. Among them, the first radar station is built in Exmouth, Western Australia, and the second radar station is built at the Cawdor base in the UK.
However, the "Deep Space Advanced Radar Capability" plan was opposed by the British people during its implementation. According to the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), the people of Pembrokeshire launched a protest, condemning the plan's high-power radar as endangering the health of local people and damaging the local tourism industry.
"The United States wants to build a comprehensive space situational awareness system and needs to deploy monitoring facilities around the world." An anonymous aerospace expert told the Global Times on the 9th that the United States can use its military presence around the world to build measurement and control facilities, which is seen as the "advantage" of US aerospace.
Military expert Zhang Xuefeng told the Global Times on the 9th that the United States, Australia and the United Kingdom all belong to the "Five Eyes Alliance" and are also members of the "Ocus" Alliance. Building such a system can enhance the monitoring capabilities of high-orbit satellites, especially those in geostationary orbit.
"The 'Deep Space Advanced Radar Capability' program is obviously a satellite surveillance system with the United States at its core." Zhang Xuefeng believes that compared with the United States, Britain and Australia have poor space operations capabilities, and the two countries spend a lot of money to build a large-scale ground-based radar system, which has limited significance for their own countries. The program is largely in the service of the US strategy of dominating space. Therefore, the British side can only hype up the threat from China and Russia, and by creating panic, let the public support the British military to build these facilities that have little significance to their national security.