
"Jia Youyan" still competes despite being pregnant


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In people's minds, it is unimaginable for pregnant athletes to participate in competitions, but there are many such figures in the Olympic Games, and they demonstrate the amazing power of female athletes.
On the archery field, the bulging belly of Azerbaijan's Ramazhanova was particularly eye-catching. The 34-year-old was already six and a half months pregnant. In the extra round, Ramazhanova suddenly felt the fetal movement, and then shot the 10th ring. This kind of happiness was unique because she felt that she was not fighting alone.
Ramazhanova during the competition. Photo provided by Xinhua News AgencyNada Hafez, a 26-year-old Egyptian female saber athlete, wore a thick fencing suit. If you don't look closely, you can't see the bulge in her abdomen. She is already 7 months pregnant. Hafez admitted that pregnancy itself is difficult, and fighting for a balance between life and sports is definitely more difficult. But she thinks it's worth it and is proud of her place in the top 16.
According to statistics, at least 26 athletes have participated in the Olympics during pregnancy. German archer Cornelia Pfoll competed twice while pregnant. Dutch equestrian Anki van Grunsven won the gold medal when she was five months pregnant. American beach volleyball player Kerry Walsh Jennings won her third gold medal while pregnant with her third child...
Overcoming the discomfort during pregnancy is not easy for ordinary people, so you can imagine the strong will and persistence of those female athletes in their dreams. No matter what results they achieve, they are already winners when they stand on the field.