
Huasheng Comic Review: If AI prescribes medicine, who is responsible if something goes wrong?


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AI technology is indeed capable. It can be used in hospital triage, pre-consultation, medical record generation and other scenarios to facilitate patients' medical treatment. But at the same time, some Internet hospitals and pharmacies use AI to replace doctors in consultations and automatically generate prescriptions, which is also worthy of vigilance.
Although AI is "learned and talented", its current level of consultation and prescription is still not enough compared with a professional doctor with rich clinical experience. In addition, the application of AI in the medical field is still in the exploratory stage, and there are still many risks in practice. For example, if AI automatically generates prescriptions, who will be responsible if an accident occurs? Is there a risk of leakage of patient information collected by AI consultation?
Consultation and prescription are not just a formality, and medical advice cannot be templated. Last year, Beijing banned the use of AI to automatically generate prescriptions and established an Internet diagnosis and treatment supervision platform. Other places should also be vigilant and take active actions to curb the chaos of AI prescriptions.
Photo/Text by Liu Zhiyong
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