
Feel the pulse of the capital's procuratorial work in the new era


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Feel the new era of "taking the exam" on the road

Capital Procuratorial Pulse

On March 23, 1949, Mao Zedong led the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the headquarters of the Chinese People's Liberation Army to leave Xibaipo and head for Beijing. Before leaving, Mao Zedong said to Zhou Enlai: "Today is the day to go to Beijing, to take the exam!"

In his important speech at the meeting celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "Over the past 100 years, the Communist Party of China has delivered an excellent answer to the people and history. Now, the Communist Party of China unites and leads the Chinese people to embark on a new journey of striving to achieve the second centenary goal."

The Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee, held not long ago, made plans and arrangements for further deepening reform and promoting Chinese-style modernization. In the new era and new journey, how can the procuratorial organs integrate into the test of further deepening reform and support and serve Chinese-style modernization with the modernization of procuratorial work? On the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, along the Beijing section where the CPC Central Committee once "went to Beijing to take the exam", the reporter walked into the capital's procuratorial organs, visited the old sites with the procurators, talked about the new look, and felt the pulse of the capital's procuratorial organs.

Protecting “100 billion solid assets”: Taking major national strategies as guidance for procuratorial work


In order to more conveniently command the battle situation in Pingjin Tang, on January 11, 1949, the Pingjin Campaign Command was moved to Songzhuang Village, Tong County, a "key point of land and water transport". An old courtyard house thus witnessed the historical process of the peaceful liberation of Peiping and became the starting point for the Party Central Committee to "go to Beijing for the exam".

Through the smoke of history. In the past 75 years, Tong County has become Tongzhou (Beijing abolished Tong County in 1997 and established Tongzhou District), becoming the sub-center of Beijing City and the bridgehead for the coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei. On this red land, how can the people's procuratorial cause that inherits the red gene write a new chapter of procuratorial work that serves the overall situation and the people's livelihood?

"In the past, Tong County was the front station for the Party Central Committee's 'entry to Beijing for examinations'; now, Tongzhou is the frontier for implementing major national strategies." Deputy Chief Prosecutor of Tongzhou District Procuratorate, Shui Shaobin, introduced the working ideas of Tongzhou Procuratorate. "We closely follow the regional characteristics, give full play to the location advantages of overlapping policies, vast hinterland, and resource endowments, and strive to optimize the procuratorial plan to serve the renewal and improvement of urban construction, the transformation and upgrading of economic development, and the improvement of the quality and efficiency of social governance."

The Chaobai River runs through Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, and the Grand Canal connects the north and the south. Therefore, Tongxian has become the first post station in the capital and an important town for water transport, with a bustling traffic and merchants since ancient times.

How to preserve history and prosperity? Focusing on these two rivers, the Tongzhou District Procuratorate, together with the procuratorates of Tianjin and Hebei, signed the "Implementation Measures for the Joint Cooperation of the Ecological Procuratorial Community of Tongzhou, Wuzhou and Langfang" and other documents, established regional case clue transfer, resource sharing, and coordinated inspection mechanisms, and handled a series of cases with great social impact, such as the Chaobai River sand mining case across Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, the Mingshi Bridge protection case, and the Grand Canal Rolling Dam site protection case.

The prosperity of Tongzhou today is inseparable from a key word - "hundreds of billions of solid assets". As the sub-center of the city, Tongzhou has maintained an annual investment scale of more than 100 billion for four consecutive years. Walking in the urban area, you can see major projects being promoted everywhere.

How to make this "100 billion yuan of fixed assets" run healthily on the track of the rule of law and benefit the people? The Tongzhou District Procuratorate conducted research, visited characteristic industrial parks such as the Grand Canal Business District and the International Seed Industry Park, and concentrated on asking for needs from more than 100 companies. Based on the more than 150 legal needs collected, the "Implementation Opinions on Judicial Protection for the Construction of Major Projects with 100 Billion Yuan Investment in Beijing's Sub-Center of the City" was issued, providing procuratorial support in ten aspects, including combating crime, preventing risks, judicial protection, and deepening governance, and handling related major cases with "special teams", "exclusive processes", and "special dispatch".

"Big" has the city blueprint, "small" has the people's livelihood. Li Zhijie, a courier, encountered a live recruitment trap and was owed wages. In desperation, he mailed the complaint materials to the Tongzhou District Procuratorate. The procuratorate not only helped Li Zhijie successfully collect wages by supporting the prosecution, but also through comprehensive performance of duties, played a "civil + administrative" combination punch, and solved the problem of protecting the rights and interests of workers in new formats.

Reforming "Railway + Internet": High-quality transformation accompanied by social development


In the early morning of March 1949, the Qinghuayuan Station of the Beijing-Zhangjiakou Railway welcomed a group of special guests - Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai and other central leaders arrived in Beijing, so it was called the "first stop for the Party Central Committee to go to Beijing for the exam". 70 years later, on December 30, 2019, the Beijing-Zhangjiakou High-Speed ​​Railway officially started operation.

The wheels are rolling, witnessing the start of "rejuvenation". Just like the historical evolution from steam locomotives to high-speed rail, the Beijing Railway Procuratorate has also completed its own reform and "upgrade" at a rapid pace, and has also played an important role in safeguarding the construction of Beijing's "four centers".

On March 10, 2021, a gambler was caught while logging into a gambling website in an Internet cafe at a railway station, leading to a cross-border online gambling case. Designated by the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the Beijing Railway Transportation Procuratorate reviewed and handled the case and found that the persons involved in the case built a capital pool through illegal payment platforms in relevant Southeast Asian countries, involving the crime of opening a casino, the crime of assisting information network criminal activities, the crime of concealing and concealing criminal proceeds, and the crime of gambling. As of September 2023, all 24 people prosecuted by the procuratorate have been sentenced to corresponding penalties by the court.

At the Chief Prosecutors Seminar held in July this year, Chief Prosecutor Ying Yong pointed out: "There are no bystanders or outsiders in reform. Every prosecutor must be a promoter and a doer." It is understood that with the rapid development of my country's economic construction and railway construction, traditional railway-related cases such as theft and intentional injury are decreasing, and reform, transformation and development have become new issues facing railway prosecution in the new era.

How to promote governance of the rampant fake recruitment information on a certain website? In June 2023, after receiving this clue from the superior procuratorate, the Beijing Railway Transportation Procuratorate comprehensively screened the commercial human resources service agencies registered in Beijing and engaged in online recruitment, and found that the recruitment website involved had problems with lax qualification review of the employers, which was used by criminals to fabricate companies to commit telecommunications network fraud. In September of the same year, the court filed an administrative public interest lawsuit, and then issued a procuratorial recommendation to the human resources and social security department of the company involved, urging it to perform its regulatory duties in accordance with the law.

When performing their duties and handling cases, prosecutors are often asked: You are the Railway Procuratorate, why are you involved in Internet affairs?

It turns out that as early as 2019, the Beijing Municipal Procuratorate clearly stated that the Beijing Railway Transportation Procuratorate, in addition to assuming the traditional railway-exclusive jurisdiction functions, is responsible for conducting same-level supervision of the trial and enforcement activities of the Beijing Internet Court, as well as centrally handling Internet public interest litigation cases across the city that should be under the jurisdiction of grassroots courts.

The "case handling records" of the Beijing Railway Transport Procuratorate can verify the reform and upgrading journey of the Procuratorate: conducting public interest litigation in accordance with the law to ensure barrier-free construction of railway passenger stations; jointly with railway units and relevant departments of local governments to comprehensively manage the external environmental safety hazards along the Beijing-Zhangjiakou High-speed Railway; handling public interest litigation cases to urge and rectify unfair competition in online word-of-mouth marketing; actively carrying out cyberspace traceability management of special operation operation certificates related to production safety, and promoting the management of fake government websites related to special operation operation certificates, domain name registration supervision, and special management of information dissemination...

"In the continuous promotion of high-quality transformation and development of 'railway + Internet', we highlight the capital consciousness, the highest standards, and the capital characteristics, and strive to walk the 'road to the exam' of the transformation and development of railway procuratorial work in the new era." said Kang Hui, a prosecutor of the court.

Create a "technological style": be the "escort" of the national science and technology innovation center


75 years ago, when the CPC Central Committee arrived in Beijing, Chairman Mao got off the train at Tsinghua Station, rested at the Yishou Hall in the Summer Palace at noon, reviewed the troops at Xiyuan Airport in the afternoon, hosted a banquet for democratic figures at the Yishou Hall in the Summer Palace in the evening, and checked into the Shuangqing Villa in Xiangshan at midnight. All of this happened in today's Haidian District.

The people of Haidian at that time witnessed the opening of the new China; the people of Haidian today are witnessing the solid steps of a country that is a major technological innovation power. The word "new" is also the biggest feature of Haidian's procuratorial work.

In 2023, a company in Haidian District reported that its employees often received fake "labor subsidy" application emails. During the review and prosecution, the Haidian District Procuratorate found that this group of telecommunications network fraudsters bought various corporate email accounts through overseas online black markets, brute-force cracked passwords, logged into the email account, and sent phishing emails such as "labor subsidies", "epidemic subsidies", and "financial subsidies" to the account's address book after logging in.

While pursuing criminal liability for the criminals, the court also classified companies based on the data involved in the case in response to the leakage of corporate email accounts exposed by the case, and issued prosecutorial recommendations and reminder letters to relevant companies.

Prosecutors from the Haidian District Procuratorate in Beijing conducted legal education on the theme of criminal risk prevention and control for Internet companies.

It is understood that since the launch of the special action of "Prosecution to Protect Enterprises" this year, the Haidian District Procuratorate has been handling a total of 159 criminal cases involving enterprises, covering fraud, intellectual property infringement crimes, internal corporate corruption, etc. With so many enterprises and cases, how can we be a good "escort" of the National Science and Technology Innovation Center?

"The logos of mobile phones and mobile apps are all here!" This joke came from the circle of friends of Sun Pengfa, director of the Second Procuratorial Department of Haidian District Procuratorate on April 22 this year. At the "Procuratorial Protection of Enterprises, Steady Progress" themed symposium held by the procuratorate on the same day, representatives of enterprises stationed in the district, including Douyin, Xiaomi, Kuaishou, Meituan, Tencent, Lenovo, Baidu, Didi, Sina, iQiyi, and Huawei, were all present.

Wherever the Party's central work is promoted, the procuratorial work must follow. Sun Peng told reporters that this year they concentrated their efforts on investigating key industries for the development of new productivity, which not only included the above-mentioned leading enterprises, but also covered "small giants" in key industries of new productivity such as artificial intelligence, biomedicine, and integrated circuits, looking for the points of convergence between the legal needs of enterprises and the procuratorial work, and thus deeply integrating into the overall situation of Haidian's high-quality development.

Facing Haidian, a "hotbed of innovation", the Haidian District Procuratorate serves reform and innovation, and the development of new productivity. Its own innovative work initiatives also have a "cool technological style":

——In order to handle cyber technology crime cases, the court began to build an electronic data review room in 2019. The "aircraft carrier-level" data review platform can effectively solve problems such as the difficulty of extracting, storing, reading and analyzing massive electronic data.

——In April this year, the "Jianqi Zhiyuan" WeChat applet was developed, which collected legal supervision clues involving enterprises through four major modules, provided customized legal publicity services, etc., and listened to the voices of enterprises online at all times.

——In order to meet the new needs of legal education for minors in the digital age, we adopt a combination of "generative artificial intelligence + manual professional training and tuning" and innovatively launched the first AI agent "Zhihang" for the protection of minors on Children's Day this year.


Looking back on the extraordinary 75 years that New China has gone through, the journey of "taking the exam" has been magnificent, and the original intention of "answering the questions" has become stronger over time.

Talking about how to implement the requirements of the Grand Prosecutor Seminar on "providing a strong legal guarantee for further deepening reform and promoting Chinese-style modernization", Zhu Yapin, Party Secretary and Chief Prosecutor of Beijing Municipal Procuratorate, said that the revolutionary spirit of the Chinese Communists "taking the exam" is the red blood of Beijing's procuratorial inheritance and development, inspiring and encouraging generations of Beijing procurators to continue their struggle and move forward courageously. In the new era, Beijing's procuratorial work must always adhere to the political sobriety and political firmness of "taking the exam", fully grasp the profound connotation and great significance of the great changes in the new era for ten years, and guide and safeguard the procuratorial work with the "Opinions of the CPC Central Committee on Strengthening the Legal Supervision Work of the Procuratorate in the New Era", and drive the overall work of the procuratorial work with the strategic positioning of the capital city and the requirements of fulfilling the responsibilities of the capital, based on the legal supervision positioning, focusing on the main responsibilities and main business, and handling every case with high quality and efficiency, and continuously deepening the practice of serving the modernization of the capital with the modernization of procuratorial work.

Actively serve the high-quality development of the capital's economy and society

National People's Congress Representative

Beijing Academy of Science and Technology Innovation and Development Strategy

Yi Tong, Director of the Institute

In the new era, the connotation and extension of peace are constantly enriched and developed, and the people's demand for peace is also higher. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Beijing Procuratorate has maintained a sober and firm "examination", written with the original intention of serving the people, promoted judicial justice through legal supervision, and escorted the maintenance of the capital's security, social stability and people's peace, demonstrating the perseverance and responsibility of the capital's procurators.

Especially in view of the construction of Beijing's "four centers", the Beijing Municipal Procuratorate adheres to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, upholds awe of the law and a sincere heart to serve the people, actively serves the high-quality economic and social development of the capital, works hard to alleviate the urgent needs of the people, and strives to make the people feel fairness and justice in every judicial case.

We hope that the Beijing Procuratorate will grow together with the new era, progress together with the rule of law, and write a new chapter in the capital's procuratorial cause with loyalty and responsibility.

(Source: Procuratorate Daily·News Edition Reporter: Zhang Yu Video: Zhong Xinyu Zhang Yu Zhengshi Studio Zhang Yingke SVG: Chahuahui Creative Society Li Chunyu)
