
He called the police 297 times and insulted the 110 police responder!


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This article is transferred from [Anhui Police];
Shi, a resident of Fushan Town, Zongyang County, Tongling
In the case of unclear speech after drinking
Called 110 in the surrounding areas several times
Shi's police call
No substantive alarm content
Facing the police’s door-to-door dissuasion
Shi always agreed to it in person but would do it again when he was drunk.
August 7th only
Shi called the police number 110 297 times
And insulted the 110 police officer
Seriously affecting the normal work order of public security organs
The police immediately summoned him to the case handling center
After the police investigated and collected evidence
Shi called him for no reason after drinking
110 emergency calls reached 297 times
Confessed to illegal facts
at present
The Congyang County Public Security Bureau
He was sentenced to 10 days of administrative detention
Police reminder
Malicious calls to the 110 emergency number to harass or falsely report an emergency are illegal acts, which not only affect the normal work order of the public security organs, but also occupy and waste social public resources, and may even cause the public security organs to delay the precious time of rescuing the lives and property of the masses. According to the relevant provisions of the "Public Security Administration Punishment Law", the illegal act of falsely reporting an emergency shall be detained for not less than five days and not more than ten days, and may be fined not more than 500 yuan; if the circumstances are minor, detention of not more than five days or a fine of not more than 500 yuan shall be imposed. Once a false alarm causes serious consequences and violates the "Criminal Law", the criminal responsibility of the caller will be pursued.
Source | Tongling Police