
Russia urgently responds to Ukrainian cross-border attack


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●Xiao Xinxin, our special correspondent in Russia●Liu Yupeng, our special correspondent

Ukraine's cross-border offensive against Russia's Kursk Oblast and other places continued on the 9th. Russia said that a fire broke out at a military airport in the country that day, and the city of Lipetsk, hundreds of kilometers from the border, was attacked by a "large-scale" drone attack, and Kursk Oblast entered a federal state of emergency. On the other hand, while suppressing the Ukrainian army's continued penetration into the Russian mainland, the Russian army also attacked the reserve forces in Ukraine. Russian media said that since launching the offensive in the direction of Kursk, the Ukrainian army has lost a total of 945 people and 102 tanks and armored vehicles and other equipment. The Washington Post quoted Ukrainian officials as saying that Ukraine is eager to improve its military situation before the US presidential election in November. "Kiev needs victory, but not gambling," said CNN, Ukraine's decision to invest a large amount of its scarce military resources in cross-border attacks on Russia, a sign that Ukraine is either desperate or inspired. This may herald a new stage in the war. Analysts generally say that although the specific goal of Ukraine's sudden attack on the Russian mainland is still unclear, in addition to the possibility of diverting Russian troops from the Donetsk region in eastern Ukraine, Kiev may also try to gain more bargaining chips in future peace talks. But Russian political scientist Sergei Stankovich told the country's "Newspaper" that the attack on the Kursk region has no military significance for the Ukrainian army. It is obvious that it is impossible for the Ukrainian army to hold its position in the Kursk region. It will take three to four days for the Russian army to restore the border, and the Ukrainian side will have to withdraw with heavy losses.