
Drone control, mobile Internet app development... Hunan's vocational skills competition for the disabled has a high level of "new business formats"


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Huasheng Online News, August 8 (All-media reporter Zhang Ying) From August 6 to 8, the 5th Provincial Vocational Skills Competition for Disabled Job Experts kicked off in Loudi. Drone control, mobile Internet mini-program development and other projects were included in the competition, reflecting that the employment of disabled people in our province is constantly integrating into new business formats.
The competition was jointly organized by the Provincial Disabled Persons' Federation, the Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security, and the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions. The scale of the competition hit a record high, with 14 teams consisting of 138 disabled contestants and 41 disabled employment service workers participating. 48 contestants stood out and won the first, second and third prizes. Among them, Li Ji from Loudi won the first prize in the drone control project; another contestant from Loudi, Li Xiaobo, won the first prize in the mobile Internet applet development.
The competition projects cover five projects, including drone control, mobile Internet applet development, flower arrangement, storage and organization, and Western pastry making. They not only refer to the national competition standards, but also take into account the actual situation of employment and entrepreneurship of disabled people in our province.
(Mobile Internet Mini Program Development Project Competition. Photo by Hu Silang)
Ai Qicheng, a contestant from Changsha, participated in the Mobile Internet Mini Program Development Project Competition. With 15 years of experience in software development, he was calm and confident, and finished the competition ahead of schedule. He said: "I am very happy to participate in this competition. Not only did I consolidate my basic knowledge, but I also learned new skills and accumulated experience for more efficient work in the future."
(The drone control competition scene. Photo by Hu Silang)
In the past three years, the Provincial Disabled Persons' Federation has continued to build drone control project training by promoting competitions through training and promoting industry through competitions, and at the same time promoted the rapid transformation of competition results into innovation and entrepreneurship. In the past three years, a total of 5 contestants from our province won awards in the drone control project of the National Disabled Persons' Skills Competition, and more outstanding disabled people have performed outstandingly in innovation and entrepreneurship.
In 2021, Zhang Hanxi and Wu Zizang, both with level 3 language disabilities, won first and second place in the drone control project of the National Disabled Elite Vocational Skills Competition. In 2023, Zhang Hanxi founded Hunan Kaiyu Technology Co., Ltd., led a team of 10 disabled drone pilots, and actively connected with social resources to find orders. In March this year, the team completed nearly 100,000 mu of wheat prevention and control in Hubei and Henan, and in May, signed a 10,000 mu yellow peach hoisting and transportation order with Yanling.
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