
The Capital Cinema’s new film culture and life space is unveiled, and you can “wander around” in the cinema!


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Drink afternoon tea or craft beer, visit exhibitions, buy cultural and creative products...Now, you can "go shopping" in the cinema! Recently, the Capital Cinema·Film Culture Life New Space was unveiled in Xidan Store, with new areas such as Energy Supply Station, Montage Life Museum, Shiguang Tea House, Taste Cinema, etc.

The energy supply station is the food and beverage selling area in the new space, and its design is based on the "First Cinema Time Light Electric Car". The Montage Life Museum is the cultural and creative product area of ​​the Capital Cinema, with a fashionable and retro design style. The first phase of the theme of this area is "Montage of Life under Diverse Aesthetics", which mixes the IP of Dunhuang, the IP of the Very Green Research Institute, the IP of the cute pet "Hao Kuaihuo" of young artist Hao Tianfang, and film culture derivatives with the characteristics of the Capital Cinema. As a beverage lounge area in the new space, the Shiguang Tea House takes the history of world cinema as its theme and deconstructs elements from classic movies such as "Paradise Cinema", "Forrest Gump" and "Heartbeat".

Traditional cinemas are mainly engaged in the single business of film screening. Apart from cola and popcorn, they rarely involve multi-sensory experience products. Capital Cinema was the first in the industry to propose the concept of "multi-sensory experience area". In addition to the karaoke sound experience area and the massage chair touch area, this area focuses on creating a "taste bud cinema". The "taste bud cinema" was jointly initiated by Capital Cinema, Liu Rui, the owner of the craft beer brand, and Beijing Yishushi. It started with the Xidan store of Capital Cinema and will cover multiple stores of Capital Cinema in the future. The "taste bud cinema" of the Xidan store takes an old box office counter as the visual focus and features a retro theater style. While tasting craft beer, chatting and relaxing, consumers can also take photos and check in in the atmosphere of a dramatic stage. In the future, the area will also try to carry out interactive experience activities such as small-scale dramas.

In the lobby of the cinema, where the flow of customers is concentrated, the public welfare showcase of culture and art explores and displays the outstanding works of cutting-edge artists, designers and filmmakers. The first exhibition invited the artistic IP "Hao Kuaihuo" of young Chinese artist Hao Tianfang, and limited edition cultural and creative products jointly created by Hao Tianfang and Capital Cinema will also be sold on site.

Source: Beijing Daily Client

Reporter: Yuan Yuner
