
Kasumi Ishikawa went from a player to a host: She interviewed the Chinese team in fluent Chinese, and Japanese netizens were amazed


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Kasumi Ishikawa (Social Media)

Overseas Network, August 9. According to a report by Japanese media "THE ANSWER" on August 9, on the 8th, Kasumi Ishikawa, the former captain of the Japanese table tennis team, interviewed the Chinese table tennis players who had just won the game in Chinese as a special anchor of Fuji TV. Her fluent Chinese amazed Japanese fans.

In the women's team semi-finals of the table tennis event at the Paris Olympics, the Chinese team defeated the Korean team and advanced to the finals. After the game, Kasumi Ishikawa, who was in charge of the live broadcast, interviewed three players from the Chinese team. As "old acquaintances", they were very familiar with each other. After the interview, Kasumi Ishikawa said that it was a new experience to be able to interview Chinese players who had played against them before.

"THE ANSWER" stated that Japanese table tennis fans all know that Kasumi Ishikawa is fluent in Chinese. At her retirement press conference, she answered Chinese media questions in Chinese without any obstacles, which is still fresh in the memory of Japanese fans. In the Paris Olympics, she showed off her Chinese skills in a new identity, which once again attracted praise and likes on Japanese social media. Netizens left comments, "Kasumi Ishikawa is so amazing that she can even interview in Chinese" and "She should speak Chinese to Chinese players. They seem to have a really good relationship." (Wang Shanning, Overseas Network)