
The scorching heat is unbearable, will military training be postponed? Some schools in Changsha will start next week


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Huasheng Online News, August 8 (Reporter Yang Sihan, Correspondent Xiao Qingshu, Chen Tianyi) Changsha has been in a "hot and scorching" state recently. This heat wave has caused many parents of new junior high school and senior high school students to start worrying: most schools will start military training at the end of August, and in such hot weather, will schools consider adjusting their plans and postponing the military training arrangements for new students? To this end, the reporter conducted a visit and investigation.
▲As of August 8, the military training time for some middle schools in Changsha
Avoid high temperature periods and temporarily follow the original military training plan
As of August 8, after checking the WeChat public accounts of some schools in Changsha, the reporter found that the military training time of most schools is scheduled in mid-to-late August. The earlier military training time of Hunan University Affiliated Middle School is from August 16 to 22, the admission development activities of Changsha Yali Yanghu Experimental Middle School are from August 17 to 21, and the military development activities of Changsha No. 21 Middle School are from August 19 to 23.
"When the temperature is above 35 degrees Celsius, the school will not conduct outdoor training, and will stagger the national defense education in the classroom." The relevant person in charge of Changsha Experimental Middle School said. The reporter interviewed some schools and learned that they would temporarily proceed according to the original plan and would not cancel or postpone the military training time.
Wang Yun, deputy director of the Education Department of Zhongya Peicui School, revealed to reporters that the school has carefully planned a rich and diverse curriculum content for this military training in order to flexibly respond to the challenges of high temperature weather. When the outdoor temperature is below 35℃, the school will arrange students to conduct outdoor military training, covering standing, queues, drills and other projects, and deliberately choose to conduct them in the early morning and late afternoon. Once the outdoor temperature exceeds 35℃, the school will make full use of campus resources and flexibly adjust the activity location to the teaching building or classroom. Focus on national defense education, patriotism education, school love education, fire safety education, etc., through the unique micro-class meeting form, integrate class team building, regular education and psychological education, aiming to help freshmen integrate into school life faster and adapt to the learning rhythm of junior high school in advance. In addition, the school will also provide sufficient drinking water and various heatstroke prevention items, and set up temporary medical points equipped with professional medical equipment and medicines to comprehensively respond to emergencies such as heatstroke and ensure the health and safety of students during military training.
At Hunan Normal University Affiliated High School Bocai Experimental Middle School (Zhending Campus), the school's vice principal Wang Jianyu told reporters that the school organizes "entrance education" for freshmen every year before the start of the school year. The content mainly involves safety lectures, habit formation, school history learning, learning guidance, queue training, etc. "We usually arrange queue training and other sports training in the early morning and evening, so as to avoid the hot weather."
Casting passionate youth,Military training has different characteristics
In fact, military training is not only a physical exercise, but also a journey of spiritual purification. In activities such as standing at attention and queue training, students constantly challenge themselves, sharpen their tenacity, and cultivate the ability of teamwork.
▲In August 2023, students from Lushan International Experimental School participated in a tug-of-war competition during military training.
Fighting, shooting, military boxing, simulation of real battlefield... The reporter found that the content of military training is becoming more and more abundant. It not only allows students to exercise their agility, but also allows them to experience the hardships on the battlefield. Popular science classes such as fire protection knowledge and first aid knowledge have also become indispensable content.
▲In August 2023, the first-year students of Changjun Tianxin Experimental School underwent military training
In addition, the school will carefully plan a variety of activities to enable students to develop in an all-round way in addition to intense training. Students from Changsha Experimental Middle School attended a lecture on national defense and military affairs to improve their safety awareness and strengthen their determination to serve the country. Changsha Zhongya Peicui School even held a unique tug-of-war competition to promote unity, cooperation and competition among students.
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