
One person's meritorious service brings glory to the whole family! Longgang District sends congratulatory messages to meritorious servicemen and their families


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On the afternoon of August 6, the Longgang District Good News Announcement Group sent good news, condolence money and gifts to the family of Wei Peng, an active-duty soldier who won the second-class merit. The main leaders of the Longgang District People's Armed Forces Department, the District Veterans Affairs Bureau, the Baolong Street Armed Forces Department, the District Veterans Service Center, representatives of meritorious servicemen, and community representatives attended the event.
Wei Peng has carried out air transport missions such as the Wenchuan earthquake relief and Zhuhai Air Show, and has transported emergency supplies many times. He was awarded the "Second Class Merit for Combat Readiness Training" in 2024. He has previously been awarded the Third Class Merit four times, and won the Third Class Award for Military Science and Technology Progress in 2010. At the symposium, Liu Shaowen, Party Secretary and Director of the District Veterans Affairs Bureau, read out the meritorious service report, and the main leaders of the District People's Armed Forces Department put on the "One Person's Merit, the Whole Family's Glory" ribbon for Wei Peng's family, and presented the meritorious service report and condolence money.
Afterwards, the good news group came to Wei Peng's home, had a cordial conversation with his family, learned more about Wei Peng's advanced deeds, and extended warm congratulations to them. In recent years, Longgang District has attached great importance to the work of supporting the army and the people, vigorously promoted the glorious tradition of supporting the army and honoring their families, actively implemented various policies of supporting the army and honoring their families, and carried out activities such as "sending good news for meritorious service" to send the care and love of the Party and the government to the families of soldiers, encourage active servicemen to make meritorious service, create a strong atmosphere of "one person's meritorious service brings glory to the whole family", and further enhance the sense of honor, gain, and happiness of soldiers and their families.
Text and photos by Cai Pengfei, Ye Zhangshan, Ma Xu