
Tan Qindong posted a video to say his final farewell? He responded: The photos posted by netizens were taken six years ago. He is currently recuperating at home.


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Cover News reporter Song Xiao and intern Zhang Yuanzhong
A few days ago, a netizen posted on a social platform that the person involved in the Hongmao Liquor Incident, Tan Qindong, has entered the hospice care period and released his last video to say goodbye to the world. Below it is a photo of Tan Qindong in the hospital.
On August 9, a reporter from Cover News contacted Tan Qindong, and he directly denied that the photo was "fake news." He said that the photo posted by netizens was a photo of him when he was hospitalized in Guangdong Provincial People's Hospital in May 2018, "and it is not my most recent photo that has been dug up by others."
Pictures posted by netizens
Tan Qindong told reporters that recently, especially since July 30, his physical condition has not been very good. He has severe edema, poor appetite, and elevated blood creatinine. "I was hospitalized for about eight or nine days, and was discharged two days ago. I am now recuperating at home."
He also expressed his gratitude and concern for the content posted by netizens, and said that he would choose to take a good rest recently and would not broadcast live for the time being, "If I broadcast live for a while, my lower limbs will swell if I sit for a long time."
Previously, Cover News reported that on March 25, 2024, Tan Qindong posted a message saying that he had left his job as a doctor and chose to "retire due to illness." He posted that he would tell his 97-day life in Inner Mongolia from the perspective of a seriously ill person, record how he was imprisoned, and the changes in his mood and body. He also recounted the experience of rescue at the end of last year, emphasizing that he "survived, and it is really not easy to survive from the brink of death."