
International Sharp Comments: The United States must give the world an explanation for its large-scale use of stimulants


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At present, the 2024 Paris Olympics is more than halfway through. An "undercurrent" is also surging inside and outside the stadium - the US media and institutions are concocting false rhetoric and attacking athletes from other countries for illegal doping, while protecting and shielding their own athletes who tested positive for doping, once again playing "double standards" and politicizing and weaponizing sports.

On the 7th local time, the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) issued a statement stating that since 2011, the United States Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) has exempted athletes who used steroids and erythropoietin (EPO) from charges and penalties in at least three cases, allowing them to continue to participate in competitions. The statement pointed out that this practice clearly violated WADA's rules aimed at protecting the integrity of sports competitions, undermined the fairness of sports competitions, and endangered the safety of related athletes.

At the same time, according to an online poll conducted by China Central Television (CGTN) for global respondents, 95.01% of respondents strongly condemned the despicable trick of the United States in the name of sports to suppress its opponents, and criticized it as "American hegemony" trampling on the Olympics; 96.84% of respondents believed that the United States lacked respect for the World Anti-Doping Agency and was challenging fairness and authority; 96.11% of respondents called on all countries to abide by the Olympic spirit, jointly safeguard the authority and fairness of international sports organizations, and create an atmosphere of fair competition in sports competitions...