
A man bought a first-class child ticket and sat alone. The conductor tried to persuade him for 20 minutes! Netizens were furious


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Recently, a netizen posted a video saying that on the G72 high-speed train, an adult man was sitting in a first-class seat with a child ticket. The conductor asked the man to return to his ordinary seat, but the man was unmoved. In the video, the conductor was negotiating with the man, and the conductor said: "Your current seat is a child ticket, do you admit it?" The man replied: "I admit it." The conductor continued to ask: "The adult ticket price is half of the child ticket price, can it be the same?" The conductor said that he had been communicating with him for 20 minutes, and if the man refused to pay the ticket, the station would handle it according to regulations.
The video poster said that the incident happened on August 5 when she boarded the G72 high-speed train from Guiyang North. As soon as she boarded the train, she heard the conductor negotiating with a man. The man was sitting in a first-class child half-price ticket, and the conductor asked the man to return to the second-class seat, but he refused to go back until the next stop, Huaihua South Station.
On August 6, the reporter called the railway 12306 customer service hotline. The staff said that the high-speed rail seats are assigned to the seats, and the man's behavior is to cross the seat and ride on the train, which is not allowed. At present, they have not received any relevant complaints. If you encounter such a situation, you can report it to the train staff or the police. "If parents want to take care of their children, if there are tickets for first-class seats, parents can buy tickets to sit in first-class seats." Another China Railway customer service staff said that when the train conductor checks the tickets, if the age does not match the actual age, they will ask for adult tickets. Netizens questioned: Is it not okay to change seats with children? In this regard, many netizens believe that the man's behavior is indeed excessive. "It's a waste of time to reason with unreasonable people, just take them away directly." "Just put him on the credit blacklist, and see if he can still ride the high-speed rail in the future." But some netizens questioned, is it not allowed for their family members to change seats? "Why can this man sit in the first-class seat for children? Did he swap with his child or with someone else?" "What's wrong with family members swapping seats? They didn't take up other people's seats." "Then if the child sits in the second-class seat, will the price difference for the child's first-class seat be refunded?" Some people are wondering, since children's half-price tickets cannot be bought separately, how do you buy the tickets? "How do you buy a children's ticket separately? When our child decided to go out with me at the last minute, I couldn't buy a ticket for him separately." "How did he buy a children's ticket while an adult sits? Aren't they all real-name tickets? I don't quite understand." How do you buy a children's ticket on a train? The reporter found that in EMU trains, the purchase of children's tickets is not based on height but age. Children under 6 years old and not occupying a seat alone can be brought along free of charge by an adult passenger with a ticket, and should declare this in advance when purchasing the ticket; children aged 6 or above and under 14 years old can buy children's discount tickets; children aged 14 or above can buy full-price tickets. The discounted fare for children's seats is calculated as 50% of the published fare for the corresponding seats, the fare for second-class sleeper seats is calculated as the published fare for second-class sleeper seats minus 50% of the published fare for second-class seats, and the fare for other sleeper seats is calculated as the published fare for second-class sleeper seats minus 50% of the published fare for first-class seats. At the same time, the travel date, train number and seat type of the children's discounted ticket should be the same as those of the tickets held by the accompanying adult passengers, and the destination must not be farther than the destination of the adult passenger's ticket. However, in this incident, according to the relevant provisions of the "Railway Passenger Transport Regulations", without the consent of the railway transport enterprise, holding a low-grade ticket to ride in a high-grade seat; holding a discounted or preferential ticket that does not meet the price reduction conditions. In addition to the supplementary ticket price, the railway transport enterprise can charge an additional 50% of the supplementary ticket price for the section already traveled. Source: Jingshi Live, netizens' comments, Railway 12306, etc.