
AI Painting | What are the three bottles of water in the hands of the Olympic team doctor?


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In the passionate Olympic Games, besides the athletes who are fighting hard, have you also noticed the team doctors who are silently devoting themselves to the team? They often carry three bottles of water in their hands, just like carrying "mysterious weapons". What secrets are hidden in these three bottles of water?
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1. Mineral water: replenish water and maintain physical energy
During intense competitions, athletes will sweat a lot, resulting in loss of water and electrolytes. Team doctors often carry a bottle of ordinary mineral water to replenish water for athletes in time to prevent dehydration.
2. Electrolysis of water: Rapidly replenish electrolytes and improve exercise performance
Electrolyzed water contains electrolytes such as sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium, which can quickly replenish the electrolytes lost by athletes during competition and improve athletic performance.
3. Nutrient solution: Provides energy to help athletes perform at their best
To help athletes perform at their best, nutrient solution contains carbohydrates, protein and other nutrients, making it the "best drink" for athletes to obtain energy.
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(Reporter Huang Xin, Li Li, intern Zhang Fangyuan)