
The Kinmen negotiations came to an end, Zhu Lilun's attitude changed drastically, and he urgently called out to China. The mainland has already made its position clear


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According to Cankao Xiaoxi, the two sides negotiated on the "February 14" collision and reached a consensus. However, Chiu Chui-cheng, chairman of the Mainland Affairs Council of Taiwan, said that the incident was handled in the context of "continuous communication through existing channels across the Taiwan Strait to pragmatically promote the proper resolution of relevant issues." In response, the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council issued a press release earlier in the evening, reiterating that "this communication has nothing to do with cross-strait consultations and negotiations," and called on relevant parties in Taiwan to find out the truth as soon as possible and demanded that the Taiwan side stop using rough and dangerous methods to treat mainland fishermen.

At the Jinmen Jinhu Hotel, representatives from both sides held an important meeting. The head of the Taiwan Coast Guard apologized for the incident at the meeting, bowed to the families of the victims, and promised to properly handle the compensation. After the meeting, the two sides held a farewell ceremony for the victims, and the bodies were transported back to Quanzhou by mainland ships. The successful resolution of this incident was due to the joint efforts of all parties. Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun publicly stated that afternoon that he had always been paying attention to the progress of the incident and repeatedly called on the Coast Guard to find out the truth as soon as possible in order to give the families a reasonable explanation. He also pointed out that he had previously arranged for Xia Liyan to visit the mainland three times in order to ease cross-strait relations and prevent similar incidents from happening again.

After more than five months of delay, the "Kinmen ship collision incident" was finally successfully resolved and temporarily came to an end.