
North Korea has deployed 250 missile systems to the border between North Korea and South Korea, vowing to confront the United States completely


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At present, the smell of gunpowder on the peninsula is getting stronger and stronger. Not long ago, North Korea held a special "weapons" handover ceremony, 250 new missile launchers were handed over to the North Korean frontline troops and will be deployed to the North Korea-South Korea border area later.North Korea said these missile launchers are "the latest tactical attack weapons".Each launcher can hold four missiles, meaning North Korea could fire a salvo of 1,000 missiles.Ballistic Missiles

[North Korea transfers missile launch system to frontline troops]

According to North Korea's description, these missiles are likely to be an improved version of the North Korean army's Hwasong-11 short-range missile. Although their range is very limited, with a maximum range of only about 500 kilometers, their strength lies in their extremely suppressive number.If 1,000 missiles were launched at the same time, it would not be a problem to inflict a devastating blow on South Korea.

It is important to know that although North Korea often displays its various new equipment, it is still very rare to deploy 250 missiles to the border area at one time. The reason why it has become so "radical" is a recent joint military exercise between the United States and South Korea.

Earlier this month,The United States and South Korea conducted a simulation codenamed "Hammer" on the Korean Peninsulanuclear warexerciseThe focus of the exercise is to discuss how to strengthen the so-called "integrated deterrence system against North Korea."How will the United States change its strategy at a critical moment?nuclear weaponShipped to South Korea to deter North Korea.

North Korea was very angry about the exercise and issued a communiqué to condemn the United States and South Korea. In the communiqué, North Korea stated that it would take the most necessary measures to safeguard its sovereignty and security interests and issued a solemn warning to the United States and South Korea.He said he would take full responsibility for the disastrous consequences of his blind choice.Against this backdrop, North Korea deployed hundreds of new missile systems in border areas.Obviously, they are preparing for subsequent actions.

Kim Jong-un calls the United States a hostile country

It is worth noting that at the delivery ceremony of this batch of missile launchers, Kim Jong-un also defined the relationship between the United States and North Korea: He said that the past 30 years of North Korea-US relations have proved thatNorth Korea must prepare more thoroughly for confrontation with the United States; and emphasized thatThe United States has been North Korea's hostile country for generations.

Obviously, in Kim Jong-un's view, there is no possibility of reconciliation between the United States and North Korea. In fact, this statement is also a response to Trump, who once publicly stated thatHe is prepared to restore relations with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un if he is re-elected as president in November, and said he believed Kim "misses him."

During his first term as president, Trump did have a better relationship with Kim Jong-un. In 2019, Trump and Kim Jong-un had a historic handshake on the 38th parallel that divides North and South Korea, becoming the first sitting U.S. president to set foot on North Korean territory.On this basis, Trump's remarks are indeed somewhat confusing. The outside world believes that Kim Jong-un is looking forward to Trump's inauguration and is ready to negotiate with the United States again.

[Trump and Kim Jong-un cross the 38th parallel]

But Trump's speech was quickly "slapped in the face". The Korean Central News Agency issued a statement saying that Trump's speech was meaningless and suggested that Trump should "separate public and private affairs". This time, Kim Jong-un's statement sent a clearer signal:No matter who becomes the president of the United States, North Korea is ready to confront the United States.

It is foreseeable that if no one puts on the "brakes", a conflict on the peninsula is likely to break out, which is undoubtedly what our country is most worried about.After all, once the conflict on the peninsula breaks out, it will not only have a huge negative impact on the international situation, but also threaten the stability and security of our country.This is one of the reasons why China has repeatedly called on all parties on the peninsula to remain calm and restrained.

However, we do not need to be too pessimistic. After all, North Korea has always had a tradition of "making tough statements", and the outbreak of conflict is not good for any party. If the United States and South Korea can stop exerting high-intensity pressure on North Korea, there may be hope for the situation on the peninsula to ease again.