
The PLA's joint patrol in the South China Sea is near Huangyan Island


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On August 7, the Southern Theater Command of the People's Liberation Army organized a joint combat patrol in the sea and airspace near Huangyan Island in the South China Sea to test the reconnaissance and early warning, rapid mobility, and joint strike capabilities of the theater troops. The Southern Theater Command said that all military activities that disrupt the South China Sea, create hot spots, and undermine regional peace and stability are under control.

"The deterrent signal sent by organizing joint patrols in the air and sea areas near Huangyan Island in the South China Sea is very obvious." Shi Hong, a special commentator for Zhi News, analyzed that "the Philippines is now 'jumping' very happily. Not only has it frequently made trouble on islands and reefs in the South China Sea such as Ren'ai Reef, Xianbin Reef, and Huangyan Island, but it has also actively joined forces with countries outside the region to stir up the situation in the South China Sea. Since the beginning of this year, the situation in the South China Sea has not only not eased, but has become more severe."

The Global Times quoted Reuters as saying that the naval and air forces of the Philippines, the United States, Canada and Australia began a two-day multilateral maritime exercise in the Philippines' exclusive economic zone on the 7th. The report said that this was the first joint exercise between the Philippines, the United States, Canada and Australia to "enhance interoperability between the forces."

Senior military officials from the Philippines, the United States, Canada and Australia said in a statement issued through the Philippine Armed Forces that the maritime exercise aims to demonstrate "our shared commitment to strengthening regional and international cooperation in support of a free and open Indo-Pacific region."

This is the third exercise that the Philippines has conducted in ten days to attract countries outside the region. On July 31, the Philippine and US navies held a joint maritime exercise in the South China Sea. On August 2, the Philippines and Japan held a joint military exercise in the South China Sea. On August 7, the Philippines, the United States, Canada and Australia held a joint exercise.

"If we do not intensify our countermeasures against the Marcos government of the Philippines, the Philippines, relying on the support of countries outside the region, will only become more and more arrogant in stirring up trouble." Shi Hong said, "Now the PLA Southern Theater Command troops are organizing joint patrols in the sea and airspace near Huangyan Island in the South China Sea, which is a warning to the Philippines and the forces behind it that if they want to mess up the South China Sea and challenge China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, the PLA will never agree, and the PLA is fully capable of defeating all provocations."