
Lawyer Ma Huijuan: As long as women and children need it, I want to do my best


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With neat short hair, a well-dressed suit, and a breeze when walking, Ma Huijuan looks like a capable lawyer who has walked out of a TV show. As a lawyer in the commercial field, her work is often related to anti-dumping, anti-subsidy, investment and mergers and acquisitions, which seem to be somewhat "high-end".But in addition to her job, Ma Huijuan always wanted to do something "down-to-earth": safeguard the rights and interests of women and children.
"As long as it is needed by women and children, I will try my best to do something within my ability." Ten years ago, Ma Huijuan served as a duty lawyer for the All-China Women's Federation to assist in receiving letters and visits, providing legal advice to female friends.
In late autumn, Beijing was getting colder. A thin young woman in the corner of the consultation room caught Ma Huijuan's attention. She had a pale face and was wearing a worn-out thin coat.
"I want to get the custody of my child back." The woman said eagerly after sitting down. Ma Huijuan learned that Ms. Wang was from a rural area in Hubei Province. After the divorce, her child was hidden by her ex-husband's family and the custody of the child was given to the man. This incident was a big blow to her, and she couldn't let go of anything else except getting her child back.
Knowing that her ex-husband was doing business in Beijing, she came to Beijing alone to look for her child. As a result, not only did she not find her child, but she also had no source of livelihood and often had to sleep outdoors. "I really don't know how she survived those days." Ma Huijuan felt sad, took out 500 yuan and stuffed it into Ms. Wang's hand, and left her phone number. "This matter may not be solved in a short time, but we can't let her have a normal life, otherwise her life may be derailed." Ma Huijuan found a job for Ms. Wang so that she could survive in Beijing.
Since then, Ms. Wang has called Ma Huijuan from time to time to communicate. As her life gradually stabilized, she became more cheerful. A few years later, Ms. Wang finally got the custody of her son after many twists and turns. Before returning to her hometown, she came to thank Ma Huijuan.
Over the years, Ma Huijuan's phone has often become a legal consultation hotline, and she provides help to everyone.
In 2015, Ma Huijuan, then director of the Women Lawyers Working Committee of the Beijing Lawyers Association, began to think about how to combine lawyer work with helping women. In 2018, she took the lead in establishing the "Women's Rights Protection and Law Delivery to Home" Capital Women Lawyers Law Explanation Team, leading female lawyers to go to streets and villages to explain the law, ranging from domestic violence, marriage and property inheritance, school bullying to the protection of the rights of the elderly and the disabled.
Not long after the lecture began, someone came to ask for help. Ms. Li, who was deeply trapped in the nightmare of domestic violence, told Ma Huijuan that the man's domestic violence had become commonplace, and several fights had to be resolved by calling the police. Despite this, the man had always refused to divorce. Ms. Li was afraid of angering the man and did not dare to file a lawsuit.
Upon learning about this, Ma Huijuan was both distressed and angry. She and the female lawyer present comforted Ms. Li while trying to find a way to provide her with legal aid. Ma Huijuan contacted lawyer Xue, who specializes in marriage litigation, and together they "supported" Ms. Li.
Lawyer Xue represented Ms. Li in filing a divorce lawsuit and applying for a personal safety protection order. Unexpectedly, during the first trial, the man privately agreed to the divorce, but changed his mind in court and insisted that he did not agree to the divorce. In the end, the man's domestic violence was not considered to be a major fault, and the divorce was not granted in the first trial.
"We still have to continue to appeal. We can't give up as long as there is hope."Ma Huijuan specially called together several lawyers from the publicity team to repeatedly review the case and discuss how to further consolidate the evidence. In the end, everyone agreed that there was a great chance for the second trial. "Don't be afraid, we are all your backers." Ma Huijuan comforted Ms. Li. In Ma Huijuan's view, this was a chance for Ms. Li to "not be beaten" and to give innocent and helpless women in domestic violence the possibility of freedom and dignity.
Before the second trial, Ma Huijuan and lawyer Xue further sorted out the facts and evidence, anticipated the problems that might be encountered in the trial, and made as much preparation as possible for the trial. On the day of the trial, after the lawyers' dignified efforts and the judge's persuasion and education, the man finally agreed to the divorce, and the trial also resolved the child support and all property issues.
Ma Huijuan felt relieved, "Ms. Li's personal safety has finally been guaranteed." She also hopes that under the sunshine of the rule of law, she will no longer see women living in fear under the shadow of domestic violence.
Up to now, the "Women's Rights Protection and Law at Home" team of female lawyers in the capital has carried out more than 400 legal education activities in various districts, counties, towns and streets in Beijing, and has trained more than 30,000 women's federation cadres, women friends and community residents.