
A woman released several boxes of cockroaches in the community and may be suspected of committing a crime!


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Recently, a video of a woman in Langfang City, Hebei Province releasing cockroaches in a residential area went viral on the Internet, sparking attention and discussion.
The video shows a middle-aged woman in a yellow T-shirt opening a small box next to a green belt and pouring out a bunch of tiny creatures. The creatures that were released, like small black dots, immediately scattered and quickly crawled away. In addition, there were several boxes of creatures on the ground waiting to be released.
According to eyewitnesses, the woman was carrying a large bag and walking around the community garden. She occasionally took cockroaches out of the bag and put them on the ground, letting them crawl freely. Faced with questions from the community owner, the woman put away the box after releasing them and asked back: "Why do you take pictures of me?"
After the incident, the owners of the community expressed anger at the woman's behavior of releasing cockroaches, and were also worried about the hygiene problems caused by cockroaches, and reported the situation to the property company. Later, it was learned that the property staff said that they did not know the woman, and the property company had quickly disinfected the surrounding environment, and the police had also intervened in the investigation.
This incident quickly sparked heated discussions on the Internet.
Netizens said:
"This operation is too 'relaxing'!"
"This was a premeditated and purposeful action.
Harming people in the name of releasing animals,
The consequences are very serious and must be severely punished!"
Some even joked:
"She might be selling cockroach repellent."
"Please ask the special disinfection personnel to come and disinfect.
The area of ​​the entire district,
One year, twice a month,
The cost is borne by the female cockroach.
The property management company will take the trouble to supervise. "
So, did the woman's behavior violate the law? What legal responsibilities might she bear?
In this regard, Bi Qiang, a member of the Lawyer Expert Database of Legal Daily and a partner of Yingke (Shijiazhuang) Law Firm in Beijing, said that first of all, according to Article 23 of the Public Security Administration Punishment Law of the People's Republic of China, this behavior may be regarded as disturbing public order and involving public health and safety, and may be subject to warnings, fines or detention. Specifically, this article stipulates that those who disturb the order of public places, hinder the normal operation of public transportation, and disrupt the order of government agencies, groups, enterprises and institutions shall be given a warning or a fine of less than 200 yuan; if the circumstances are serious, they shall be detained for more than five days but less than ten days, and may be fined up to 500 yuan.
Secondly, if the cockroaches released are invasive alien species, this behavior may constitute the crime of damaging the ecological environment. According to Article 344-1 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China, if anyone violates national regulations and illegally introduces, releases or discards invasive alien species, if the circumstances are serious, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years or criminal detention, and shall be fined or fined alone.
In addition, affected residents can claim civil compensation in accordance with Article 1165 of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China. This article stipulates that if a person infringes upon the civil rights of others due to fault, he shall bear tort liability. Residents can file civil lawsuits to demand compensation for property losses and mental damages caused by their actions from the tortfeasor.
Specifically, the compensation claims that residents can make include but are not limited to: compensation for property damage, cleaning and disinfection costs caused by cockroach infestation; compensation for mental damage, psychological panic and mental distress caused by releasing cockroaches.
"To sum up, such behavior not only affects the living environment of community residents, but may also face administrative, criminal and civil legal consequences. Relevant departments should strengthen supervision of similar incidents to ensure the safety and hygiene of the community environment." Bi Qiang said.
Author: Zhou Xiaopeng, all-media reporter of Legal Daily, and Li Wen, trainee reporter
Source: Legal Daily