
Russia claims that the Ukrainian army lost 115,000 people in two months. If Zelensky does not negotiate, the Ukrainians will really be wiped out.


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Text/Zhan Hai

According to a report by Russia Today on August 7, Russian Security Council Secretary Sergei Shoigu said that according to statistics from the Russian Ministry of Defense, the Ukrainian army has lost about 115,000 soldiers in the past less than two months. The outside world believes that although the Russian figures are certainly exaggerated, it is certain that the current situation of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict is very bloody.

(Shoigu: Russia killed 115,000 people in two months)

Shoigu also said that if Ukraine could meet Putin's peace talks requirements, these situations could have ended, but now the Russian army has to "keep moving forward." It is not difficult to see that Shoigu's statement is clearly continuing to put pressure on Ukraine. The Ukrainian army has suffered such heavy casualties in 2 months. Even if the conscription office is more efficient in "catching able-bodied men" in the rear, it cannot make up for such a large gap in troops. Moreover, the number of young men on the streets of Ukraine is now decreasing, and most of those taking to the streets are women, children or the elderly. If Ukraine continues to fight,If the young population is really wiped out, the survival of the Ukrainian nation may become a problem in the future.

(Ukraine sent a large number of young and strong people to the war)

Many videos posted by Ukrainian civilians show that it is becoming increasingly difficult for the Ukrainian army to recruit soldiers in the rear. Faced with the decline on the front line and the huge shortage of soldiers, the Ukrainian army's forced conscription seems to be lacking in confidence. Many civilians who have been pulled into vans by the conscription office finally escaped successfully with the help of people around them.

With a large number of casualties on the front and insufficient manpower in the rear, Ukraine's war potential is being exhausted., but this is mostly due to the "stupid operations" of the Ukrainian military's top brass. The Chinese have a deep understanding of the combat capabilities of "conscripted men". During the War of Liberation, a large number of reactionary miscellaneous troops composed of able-bodied men were vulnerable in actual combat, and many of them fled and revolted on the battlefield. The Ukrainian army is now facing a similar situation. The veterans have fought, and the new recruits who were temporarily recruited have no experience and can only be used to "fill in the gaps". The more troops filling in the gaps, the less manpower there is. The retreat on the front line has caused more serious war-weariness in the rear, making it more difficult to recruit soldiers. Now it has fallen into a vicious circle.

(Ukrainian conscription office recruits men on the street to make adult men afraid to go out on the street)

The foreign mercenaries that the Ukrainian army relies on are not very reliable at critical momentsThere have been many cases on the battlefield where mercenaries withdrew from the battlefield on their own after realizing that they could not win. There were even some mercenaries who were discovered by the Ukrainian army's "supervision team" after "escaping" and were about to be executed on the spot. As a result, the mercenaries turned against the Ukrainian army on the spot, repelled the Ukrainian army and rescued their fellow mercenaries.

(There have been many cases of mercenaries turning against us on the spot before)

After the Ukrainian army fell into a complete decline, if it wants to turn the situation around on the battlefield, it needs more advanced weapons, more sufficient ammunition and a large number of soldiers who have received complete military training and are rich in combat experience. Then, with the support and logistical guarantee of the Western intelligence system and the correct strategies and tactics of the Ukrainian military’s top leaders, there is hope for a turnaround. However, the Ukrainian army currently does not have these conditions.

(Although the West is doing its best to provide ammunition, it is just a drop in the bucket for Ukraine)

Faced with such a situation, Shoigu called on Zelensky to negotiate, which is a very reasonable solution for Ukraine as a country, and it can preserve Ukraine's last "spark". Moreover, what Russia wants is not a complete integration of Russia and Ukraine, but a peacefulNATOUkraine has kept a distance from the West. Judging from previous situations, Ukraine could have lived well even without relying on the West. Even if there are peace talks later, it will not shake Ukraine's foundation.

But now that Ukrainian politicians have fully embraced the West, it is almost impossible for them to agree to surrender, because once they surrender, their political capital will all go down the drain, and what awaits them will be a reckoning by the West and the Ukrainian people. The West naturally does not want Ukraine to negotiate, which would make all their previous investments null and void. With these two layers of resistance to the peace talks, Russia and Ukraine are destined to continue the war, but this will make Ukraine's future really difficult.