
Trump said he would be interviewed by Musk, but Musk did not respond on Monday.


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On the 6th local time, the Republican presidential candidate Trump announced that he would be interviewed by Musk, CEO of social media company "X" (formerly Twitter), on the evening of August 12th local time. However, Musk has not yet posted a message on the matter.

(Photo source: Global Times)

On the same day, Trump posted on his self-created social platform "Truth Social" that "Next Monday (August 12) night, I will accept a heavy interview with Musk - details will be announced later!"

Reuters said Trump did not provide any further details. In addition, CNBC, which also reported the news, said the media had requested Musk for comment.

The relationship between Trump and Musk has always been confusing.

Musk did not like Trump when he first ran for president in 2015. The two had a war of words, and Musk served as Trump's business consultant during his presidency. In 2017, Musk resigned from the position because of his opposition to Trump's withdrawal from the Paris Agreement on climate change. Since then, Musk has had many public quarrels with Trump over his political views.

However, their relationship has become closer in recent years, seemingly because they both "oppose Biden." The turnaround in their relationship began in recent months. Sources said that Musk talks with Trump several times a month. The topics they discuss include immigration issues in the United States and the development of the U.S. Space Force. The two sides found that "everyone's views and interests are becoming more and more consistent" during the conversation.

In March of this year, Trump was exposed to have met with Musk and other wealthy donors. At that time, Musk responded on X, "I just want to make it super clear that I have not donated to any presidential candidate in the United States."

In May, the Wall Street Journal reported that people familiar with the matter revealed that if Trump succeeds in entering the White House, he will invite Musk to serve as a White House political adviser or administrative adviser. It is said that this position has not been finalized 100%, but it is certain that Musk's views on immigration, technology, corporate regulation and other issues will have an important impact on the Trump camp.

On July 13, local time, Trump was shot and injured at a campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. Musk later posted on social media that he fully supports Trump and "hopes he will recover soon." This is the first time Musk has clearly stated his support for Trump.

On July 20th local time, Trump mentioned Musk during his speech at a campaign rally in Michigan, saying that he "has always maintained a good relationship with Musk."

Not long ago, the US media also revealed that "Musk plans to donate about $45 million per month to Trump's campaign organization." The Wall Street Journal said that people familiar with the matter revealed that Musk plans to donate about $45 million per month to a political action committee supporting Trump's presidential campaign. Regarding Musk's "huge donation", the Trump team declined to comment, and Musk did not respond to Reuters' request for comment.

Jimu News Comprehensive Global Times, China News Service

(Source: Jimu News)