
Guangdong Second Normal University: Enabling high-quality development of basic education in Yangjiang | Gathering forces to build high-quality


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2024 is a critical year for the "High-quality Development Project of 100 Counties, 1,000 Towns and 10,000 Villages" to be accelerated and achieved a comprehensive breakthrough. Guangdong Normal University Second insists on party building leadership and coordinated efforts, and lists the "Double Hundred Action" as the "first action" of the school's 100,000,000 projects, based on "county needs and college capabilities", to comprehensively improve the reform and high-quality development of basic education in Yangxi County and even Yangjiang City. How can Guangdong Normal University Second use its own advantages to help the "Double Hundred Action" go deeper and more practical? Yangcheng Evening News conducted an exclusive interview with Ma Weihua, researcher and secretary of the Party Committee of Guangdong Normal University Second.
Established the first "Double Hundred Action" rural education group in Guangdong Province
Yangcheng Evening News: In the “Double Hundred Action”, how does Guangdong Second Normal University contribute to the high-quality development of Yangxi’s basic education?
Ma Weihua: Guangdong Normal University No. 2 has helped Yangxi increase its grassroots reform and innovation efforts. In order to break through the bottleneck of Yangxi's basic education development, Guangdong's first "Double Hundred Action" rural education group, Guangdong Normal University No. 2 Yangxi Education Group, was established. We have included six urban and rural schools, including Yangxi County No. 2 Middle School, into the group management. The party secretaries and principals of affiliated schools of Yangxi Education Group, who were recruited nationwide, have successively taken up their posts, and implemented the "1+1+N" (i.e. 1 subject + 1 famous teacher + N teachers) subject precision assistance model, and implemented the "one school one case", "one subject one policy", and "one teacher one question" innovative measures. It is estimated that 13,000 students will benefit every year.
Yangcheng Evening News: What results and achievements have both sides achieved through educational assistance?
Ma Weihua: Through six years of cooperation, we will greatly improve the quality of basic education in Yangxi, and cultivate a group of educational talents with the spirit of educators, modern educational concepts, and good at doing things, leaving behind valuable experience in "school development management system, moral education system and classroom teaching system" for the local area, and strive to create a model for rural education revitalization and Guangdong's "Double Hundred Action". In recent years, Guangdong Second Normal School has taken advantage of its post-service training for teachers, carried out teacher team training in Yangjiang, and comprehensively carried out full rotation training for primary and secondary school teachers in Guangdong Province, the Pearl River Delta training for the classroom teaching improvement action of the backbone teachers of the "three schools" in Yangjiang City, and other projects, accurately implemented "classroom teaching improvement" and improved the quality of all teachers.
The "Hundreds of Millions of Projects" promotes the high-quality development of talent training in schools
Yangcheng Evening News: Through the “Hundreds, Millions and Projects”, how can schools seize this precious opportunity to promote high-quality development?
Ma Weihua: The "100,000,000 Project" is not only good for Yangxi County, but also has a profound impact on Guangdong Second Normal School. We focus on the integration of industry and education, improve the collaborative innovation mechanism of industry, academia, research and application, and closely integrate the talent training of colleges and universities with the development of Yangxi's industries and enterprises. We focus on the integration of theory and practice, and through a series of activities such as sending teachers to the countryside, supporting education, and summer trips to the countryside, we narrow the distance between college students and society, so that they can better serve the society after graduation.
Yangcheng Evening News: How do schools focus on the integration of industry and education in the “Double Hundred Action”?
Ma Weihua: In April this year, we established a county innovation base and formed a service team of teachers and students to cultivate talents needed by enterprises through the integration of industry and education. For example, the School of Biological and Food Engineering helped Yangxi build a green food industrial park and a green and beautiful Guangdong, and carried out 5 related scientific research projects around themes such as special seasonings, breeding of precious fish and shrimp fry, and invasive organisms; the School of Management carried out e-commerce cultural tourism team training, and selected experts to carry out e-commerce and tourism skills training for Yangxi tourism guides, individual merchants and secondary vocational school teachers, creating a professional team of more than 100 e-commerce and tourism talents to serve the local economic development.
Yangcheng Evening News: How does the school’s “Double Hundred Action” help students integrate theory and practice?
Ma Weihua: In 2024, Guangdong Normal University No. 2 selected 50 interns to connect with primary and secondary schools in Yangxi County to carry out teaching support in the fall semester; on the eve of this year's high school entrance examination, in response to the "needs of the county", the school established a teacher-student teaching team to provide teaching support for the biology experiment classes at Shaba Middle School, tutor the biology subject in preparation for the high school entrance examination experiments, and supplement the county's teaching staff.
We also carried out volunteer activities for young college students to serve the countryside. In May this year, the Guangdong Second Normal University Yangxi Work Station of the Guangdong Youth College Students "Hundreds of Millions of Projects" Commando was established to give full play to the professional advantages of young college students, integrate resources, and meet the needs of various towns and streets in Yangxi. Finally, 18 commandos were formed to carry out a series of "red, green and blue" Yangxi practical activities, namely, relying on revolutionary culture to empower "Red Yangxi", relying on ecological resources such as mangroves to empower "Green Yangxi", and relying on marine resources to empower "Blue Yangxi".
Improve the long-term mechanism for pairing and co-construction work
Yangcheng Evening News: Next, how will the school further promote cooperation and common development with the assisted areas?
Ma Weihua: Next, Guangdong Normal University No. 2 will further integrate resources inside and outside the school based on the established teacher-student service team, established projects and built cooperation platforms, and improve the long-term mechanism for pairing and co-construction work to achieve a long-term effect of two-way promotion and two-way empowerment.
We will continue to promote the "one college, one feature, one village, one industry" support model, promote the deepening of industry-university-research cooperation, give full play to the professional characteristics and advantages of each secondary college and department of the school, and help local economic and social development. The Lemeitu Langgen Ecological Agriculture Tourism Park in Tangkou Town, Yangxi County, which is supported by our school, has been officially put into operation. It is expected to attract 200,000 tourists each year and increase at least 40 jobs. On the other hand, we will carry out full-caliber and all-round integrated counterpart assistance of "teaching and research exchanges to show style, urban-rural linkage to promote improvement", focus on strengthening the construction of key projects, and promote the improvement of the quality and efficiency of assistance work. We will strengthen the construction of Yangxi Education Group of Guangdong Second Normal University, create a "rural education group model", promote the virtuous cycle of revitalizing rural education and revitalizing rural areas through education; give full play to the advantages of post-job training for teachers, and cultivate a group of excellent teachers with high quality, strong ability, vitality, retention and good teaching for the entire Yangjiang City and even the western Guangdong region.
Text|Sun Wei Photo provided by the school